Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task ForceJuly 15, 2024

Backup_240711 WF18 Implementation Working Group Meeting Notes — original pdf

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Water Forward Task Force (WFTF) Water Forward 2018 Implementation Working Group July 11, 2024 Meeting Notes Teams Meeting, 10:00 am Attendees: Bill Moriarty, WFTF Marisa Flores Gonzalez, Austin Water Paul DiFiore, WFTF Emily Rafferty, Austin Water Hani Michel, WFTF Scott Sticker, Austin Water Jennifer Walker, WFTF Perry Lorenz, WFTF Advanced Metering Infrastructure Update Austin Water staff shared an update about Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) implementation. At the time of the meeting, 229,000 meters were installed out of 250,000 total installs, meaning the program is about 90% implemented. The ones remaining are the trickier meters to replace. Staff shared that there has been a low opt out rate for the program compared to other cities and spoke about the customer outreach and communications efforts. The leak alert system was discussed and is a significant source of customer water conservation. Discussion regarding AMI included the following: - The ability to talk to human staff when people encounter leak issues - The ability to plug in specifics about your home, such as having low flow faucets, to help the metering give a more accurate water-use read General discussion included the following: - Timeline of assigning costs and yields to the additional conservation measures based on WFTF member comments - Additional WFTF meetings to be scheduled between Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 - Follow up on Indirect Potable Reuse emergency implementation status and initial projected cost Water Forward 2018 Implementation Working Group Meeting July 2024