Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task ForceJuly 15, 2024

Item 4_Update on Water Forward 2024 demand management strategies — original pdf

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Update on Water Forward 2024 demand management strategies Summary of Task Force Comments Next Steps Category Individual Comments Strategies Will be evaluated for potential water savings/cost Will be considered; Will not be evaluated for potential water savings/cost Will not be evaluated for water savings/cost Water Conservation Strategy Related to Existing WF24 Strategies Policy Matter Best Management Practice Reporting General Comments Editorial/General Comments Currently Being Implemented Likely Insubstantial Yield TOTAL COMMENTS RECEIVED 21 8 1 19 5 20 1 2 78 11 3 1 9 1 1 NA NA 28 2 Will be evaluated for potential water savings/cost Consolidated Strategy No. Consolidated Strategy Description 1 2 3 4 5 Increase outdoor water restrictions in all stages of drought in the DCP, including possible elimination of all outdoor water use in Stage 5 of the DCP. Limited hours for patio misters Analyze and potentially limit the number of new pool permits and rules for refilling. Expand existing reuse ordinance to require all new industrial users to connect to the reclaimed system or utilize onsite reuse. Connect the Travis County Courthouse to the reclaimed system. 3 Will be evaluated for potential water savings/cost Consolidated Strategy No. Consolidated Strategy Description 6 7 8 9 10 11 Evaluate and consider connecting the State Capital Complex to the reclaimed system. Evaluate and consider connecting the UT campus to the reclaimed system. Perform an analysis and consider expanding the voluntary reclaimed water rebate. Consider providing cost-sharing or additional incentives to promote onsite reuse in low-income housing. Expand CII ordinances to include upgraded standards and requirements for reclaimed water. 4 Increase enforcement efforts. Will be evaluated for potential water savings/cost as part of existing WF24 strategies Consolidated Strategy No. Consolidated Strategy Description 13 14 15 Increase resources for voluntary water budgeting and implement mandatory water budgeting sooner. Expand water loss program. Expand onsite reuse ordinances to include smaller buildings. 5 Will be considered; Will not be evaluated for potential water savings/cost Consolidated Strategy No. Consolidated Strategy Description Category 12 16 17 18 19 Expand public oversight into the SER process, especially regarding new large industrial users. Policy Matter Allow splash pads to continue operation in Stage 4 of the DCP. Develop an education campaign to better promote knowledge of watering days. Best Management Practice Best Management Practice Provide follow-up information after MyATXWater meters are installed. Best Management Practice Increase public outreach and education, possibly partnering with community organizations, to residential irrigation customers, nurseries, landscapers, and general AW customers, among others. Consider increasing budget for these programs as needed. Best Management Practice 6 Will be considered; Will not be evaluated for potential water savings/cost Consolidated Strategy No. Consolidated Strategy Description Category 20 21 22 23 Develop an public-facing SOP for incentive programs. Best Management Practice Create a workforce development program to train landscapers on native plants and provide resources to those professionals, such as drawings, certification, and plant information. Best Management Practice Expand outreach to existing developments near the reclaimed system to promote connection. Best Management Practice Exempt essential household use from drought surcharge Best Management Practice 7 Will be considered; Will not be evaluated for potential water savings/cost Consolidated Strategy No. Consolidated Strategy Description 24 25 26 Reporting Comments Editorial Comments General Comments 8 Will not be evaluated for water savings/cost Consolidated Strategy No. Consolidated Strategy Description Category & Next Steps 27 28 Color coded feedback on water usage in My ATX Water portal Develop a fog harp system for Austin. Currently being implemented. Likely insubstantial yield - will not be evaluated further for water savings/yield 9 Questions?