Item 5_Update on water supply strategy implementation — original pdf

Update on Water Supply Strategy Implementation Water Forward 2018 Supply Strategies Emergency Indirect Potable Reuse Update What is Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR)? The use of reclaimed water for potable purposes by discharging to a water supply source, such as surface water or groundwater. The mixed reclaimed and natural waters then receive additional treatment at a water treatment plant before entering the drinking water distribution system. What is Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR)? There are five indirect potable reuse operating facilities in Texas: • El Paso Water Utilities - recharging the Hueco Bolson Aquifer since 1985. • North Texas Municipal Water District - polishing water using wetlands and augmenting the Lavon Lake since 2009. • Tarrant Regional Water District - polishing water using wetlands and augmenting the Richland Reservoir. • The City of Abilene - augmenting Lake Fort Phantom Hill since 2015. • The City of Wichita Falls - augmenting Lake Arrowhead since 2017. How Would AW Implement Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR)? IPR is an emergency water supply strategy included in the 2018 Water Forward plan The strategy would use Lady Bird Lake as an environmental buffer and convey highly treated WWTP effluent to Ullrich WTP for use in supplementing drinking water supplies Drought Triggers Lakes Buchanan and Travis Total Combined Storage Projection (LCRA) City of Austin Drought Triggers DCP Stage 1 1.4 MAF DCP Stage 2 0.9 MAF DCP Stage 3 0.75 MAF DCP Stage 4 0.6 MAF IPR Operational Trigger 0.4 MAF Progress Update AW Internal IPR Task Force progressing on project tasks • Includes Operations, Engineering, Systems Planning, PIO, and Government Relations staff and key executives Decision on water supply source has been made Staff have developed scopes for further rotation list consultant services to support project components and is moving forward on consultant procurement Water Supply Source SAR has been selected as source of treated effluent for emergency IPR implementation Current plan is to construct and separately permit sidestream IPR treatment facilities to further treat effluent Planned Consultant Support Rotation List Engineering Support Schematic design, design criteria, technical specifications for: • Intake and pump station facilities • Reclaimed transmission main • Sidestream wastewater effluent treatment facilities Design Build Project Full IPR project design and construction Timeline Fall 2024 Development of schematic design, design criteria, technical specifications ~Summer 2025 Pending Council approval, issue design-build contract Winter 2024/2025 Begin design-build procurement process ~2028 Target for substantial completion of IPR project construction Questions?