Item 4 - Update on Water Forward 2024 Demand Management Strategies — original pdf

Update on Water Forward 2024 Demand Management Strategies June 4, 2024 Task Force Feedback Summary of Task Force WCP/DCP Feedback 3 Staff to report on necessary changes to the WCP to meet trajectory set in 2019 goals, including specific measures and projected water savings Launch a high-profile education program through Austin Water University to raise awareness about drought and promote water reduction Creation of separate educational graphics for residential and commercial sectors to clarify watering schedules Concern raised about aiming for less than 1% reduction in water consumption over five years due to increasing heat and insufficient water replenishment Further analysis of the effectiveness of increasing rebates for voluntary reclaimed water hookups to reduce demand for potable water Increase public oversight into service extension requests Completion of reclaimed hookup to the new Travis County Courthouse Assessment of the existing and near-term reclaimed water piping network to identify facilities with high non-potable demands for potential hook ups Evaluation of the State Capital Complex and University of Texas campus for a complete conversion to reclaimed water for non-potable purposes Evaluation of large non-potable customers city-wide for possible hook up to the reclaimed water system Expand onsite reuse ordinance to include mid-size and smaller buildings 4 Summary of Task Force Tactical Demand Management Feedback Comparison of water usage for similar size houses within My ATX Water Training and education programs for local landscapers and garden nurseries as part of Water Efficient and Native Landscapes Summary of Task Force Water Forward Demand-Side Water Management Strategy Feedback 5 Water Forward 2024 Working Group Meeting Recap Discussed written feedback received from Task Force members Received further feedback on existing comments: • Provide a certification program tailored for landscapers and landscape architects, enabling them to demonstrate their expertise in building water- efficient landscapes. • Collaborate with the Texas Native Plant Society to enhance informational materials for landscapers by incorporating recommendations for plants based on root depth and their benefit to stormwater infiltration. 6 Next Steps Goal for this Summer 1 2 3 4 Review total water demand and demand reduction goals for the near- term (5-10 years) within WF24 Identify specific tactical measures to implement to achieve goals Assign costs and yields to those measures Include measures in WF24 Recommendations and in revised WCP and DCP 8 Questions?