Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task ForceNov. 3, 2021

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ASR baseline customer survey Survey background  Survey provides a baseline to structure community engagement efforts  Austin Energy Data Analytics managed the survey distribution and responses  Questions were sent to random sample of AW customers and the Water Forward stakeholder list  Approximately 1,200 responses received Survey participation Survey Participation by Austin Council District 10 18% 1 2% 2 4% 3 5% Group Percentage of Respondents 9 16% Customer Stakeholder 96.5% 3.5% 4 7% 5 9% 6 11% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 15% 7 13% Survey questions Questions are abridged for presentation purposes Q # Question text (abridged) Prior to this survey, were you aware of Water Forward? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Please rank the community values associated with the City's Water Forward plan in order of importance to you. Do you view having ample water supply as a pressing issue for the City's future? Do you have any concerns about the City's future supply of water? (open text) Prior to this survey, were you aware of the ASR project? ASR is a water supply strategy to store water in a natural aquifer when it is available during wet times and supply stored water to customers in times when water is needed. Does this description help you understand the meaning of ASR? How could we better describe ASR? Based on your current knowledge, do you have any concerns about the ASR project? Please rank the ways that COA will benefit from ASR in order of importance to you. 10. Please select your top 3 preferred communication methods, to be used by AW. High-level survey results Water Forward Stakeholders AW Customers Awareness of Water Forward Plan Awareness of Austin’s ASR Project Water Supply is a Pressing Issue 70% 60% 97% 4.5% 16% 80% High-level survey result summary  Among the community values of the Water Forward plan, “reliable water supply” ranked highest in importance  The preferred methods of communication were emailed newsletters, AW website, utility bill inserts, and text messages Does this description help you understand ASR? No 2% Don't know, unsure 2% Yes No Don't know, unsure Responses for ASR description “Aquifer Storage and Recovery is a water supply strategy used by water utilities in Texas and around the world, to store water in a natural aquifer when it is available during wet times. This stored water can then be supplied to customers in times when water is needed, such as times of drought.” Yes 96% Survey responses for ASR benefits Combined Percentage of 1-2 Ranking 58.53% 57.17% 53.00%  Which ASR benefits are most important to you?  Ranked in order of importance 26.63% 4.67% Help prevent water loss due to evaporation. Other, please specify: Improve Austin's climate resiliency, preparing for the effects of climate change and future droughts. Serve as an additional source of water during emergencies. Make best use of local water resources by storing treated water that is already available to Austin. Summary of respondent concerns about ASR project  How will ASR maintain water quality levels?  How will we manage possible contamination and damage to the aquifers?  Can ASR store and supply enough water?  How will water resources will be accessed and used?  What are the costs associated with project? Summary and next steps  Results of this survey are being used to develop a baseline for customer understanding in the ASR engagement and education plan  Educational materials and engagement strategies will aim to improve understanding of ASR elements highlighted in the survey