Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task ForceJuly 13, 2021

2B - Water Forward 2018 Implementation Progress — original pdf

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Water Forward Implementation Progress Update 7/13/2021 FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 QUARTER 3 REPORT April, May, June 2021 FY21 Q3 Progress Current/Planned FY21 Q4 Activities Future Implementation Steps Water Forward 2023 AW presented the draft Water Forward (WF) plan update scope to the WF Task Force, began targeted consultant procurement for specific tasks, and continued pre-planning and technical work to support the plan update. Continue pre-planning, consultant procurement, and technical work to support WF plan update, including demographics and demand-related data gathering and updates. FY21: Pre-planning work FY22: Begin community engagement, update FY23: methodology, demands, climate & hydrology analysis, and identify water needs Identify strategies, develop & evaluate portfolios, develop recommendations & plan Protecting our Core Colorado River Supplies AW reviewed and provided input into Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB’s) 2022 State Water Plan. TWDB adopted the 2022 State Water Plan. FY21: Initial planning and consultant selection for 2026 Region K plan. Conservation Onsite Water Reuse Centralized & Decentralized Reclaimed Drought Supplies My ATX Water team performed pre-install field surveys and continued meter installations of approximately ~2200 additional meters, bringing the total number of meters installed to >7550. AW’s Onsite Water Reuse Systems (OWRS) Team received Council authorization for the OWRS Pilot Incentive program and continued to implement the OWRS Ordinance. Surveys and installs continue around the city, moving from neighborhood to neighborhood as more installers are hired. The My ATX Water customer portal is also live and at ~50% adoption rate for customers after new meter is installed. Perform stakeholder outreach to educate the development community on the OWRS Ordinance and Pilot Incentive program. AW continued work to 1) implement AW’s 2013 Completing the Core plan to create a reclaimed loop through downtown and east Austin and 2) update the Centralized Reclaimed Master Plan. AW will continue to support reclaimed infrastructure projects, development review, and updates to the Centralized Reclaimed Master Plan among other activities. Work continued on the ASR Pilot and Program Management Project, including team chartering, data gathering, and initial technical and community engagement work. Continue work on ASR storage zone and integration point analysis. Complete equity and affordability research effort and begin development of equity and affordability road map. Continue work on community engagement and education plan. FY21: FY25: Anticipated project completion. Installation of 250,000 meters continues. FY21: AW will begin stakeholder outreach to potential incentive candidates. FY23/4: Anticipated onsite water reuse mandate in effect for new developments >250,000 square feet. FY21: Anticipated completion of updates to the Centralized Reclaimed Master Plan and development of a Decentralized Reclaimed planning products. FY25: Anticipated completion of the downtown & east Austin core reclaimed loop. FY20-23: Initial contract and identify where to pilot. FY24-27: Design, construct, and test ASR pilot. Develop recommendations for full-scale ASR. FY28-35: Preliminary engineering, design, construction of full-scale ASR. QUESTIONS