Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task ForceJan. 7, 2020

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Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force Packet Index January 7, 2019 Item Page Agenda 2 Minutes 5 Presentation 7 Page 1 of 2 Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force January 7, 2020 – 4:00 p.m. Waller Creek Center, Room 104 625 East 10th Street Austin, Texas 78701 For more information go to: Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force AGENDA Voting Members: Sharlene Leurig - Chair Perry Lorenz Vanessa Puig-Williams Jennifer Walker – Vice Chair Robert Mace Sarah Richards Todd Bartee Hani Michel Lauren Ross Diane Kennedy Bill Moriarty Ex Officio Non-Voting Members: Austin Water: Greg Meszaros Austin Energy: Kathleen Garrett Austin Resource Recovery: Tony Davee Neighborhood Housing and Community Development: Josh Rudow Office of Innovation: Kerry O’Connor Office of Sustainability: Lucia Athens Parks and Recreation: Liana Kallivoka Watershed Protection: Mike Personett 1. CALL TO ORDER – January 7, 2020 4:00 p.m. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES a. Approval of the meeting minutes from the November 5, 2019 Task Force meeting 1/7/2020AIWRPCTF2 Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force Meeting January 7, 2020 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force, at 512-972-0194, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force, please contact Marisa Flores Gonzalez at 512-972-0194. Page 2 of 2 4. STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS a. Water Forward Implementation Progress and Outlook – City Staff i. Task Force Questions and Discussion 5. VOTING ITEMS FROM TASK FORCE 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURN Note: Agenda item sequence and time durations noted above are subject to change. 1/7/2020AIWRPCTF3 MINUTES 1/7/2020AIWRPCTF4 Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force REGULAR MEETING November 5, 2019 Page 1 of 1 The Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force convened in a Regular Meeting on November 5, 2019 at Waller Creek Center, Conference Rm 104, 625 E 10th Street, in Austin, Texas. Members in Attendance: Sharlene Leurig - Chair Jennifer Walker – Vice Chair Sarah Richards Diane Kennedy Bill Moriarty Hani Michel Lauren Ross Perry Lorenz Robert Mace Vanessa Puig-Williams Todd Bartee Ex-Officio Members in Attendance: Josh Rudow, Liana Kallivoka Staff in Attendance: Kevin Critendon, Teresa Lutes, Marisa Flores Gonzalez, Matt Cullen, Sarah Hoes, Rick Coronado, Helen Gerlach Additional Attendees: David Foster __________________________________________________________________________________1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Leurig called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a. David Foster of Clean Water Action spoke on Land Development Code changes and lead service line abatement approaches. 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The meeting minutes from the September 3, 2019 Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force regular meeting were approved on Member Mace’s motion and Member Michel’s second with Members Bartee, Puig-Williams, and Ross abstaining for a final 7-0-3-1 vote. 4. STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND/OR REPORTS a. A staff update on ordinance development was provided by Marisa Flores Gonzalez, Austin Water. This was followed by Task Force discussion and input. b. A staff update on Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Lead Service Abatement was provided by Rick Coronado, Austin Water. This was followed by Task Force discussion and input. 5. VOTING ITEMS FROM TASK FORCE a. The 2020 Task Force meeting schedule was approved on Member Mace’s motion and Member Moriarty’s second, for a final 10-0-0-1 vote. 6. ADJOURN Chair Leurig adjourned the meeting at approximately 5:56 pm. 1/7/2020AIWRPCTF5 PRESENTATION 1/7/2020AIWRPCTF6 1/7/202011/7/2020AIWRPCTF7 Water Forward Implementation Progress and Outlook 21/7/2020AIWRPCTF8 •Total pumpageout of Davis, Ulrich, and HandoxWTPs = 142,000 AF•Reclaimed water use = 4,930 AF•Annual GPCD = 120 gpcd•Lowest GPCD for Austin since records were keptWater Use in 201931/7/2020AIWRPCTF9 •Approx. 930,000 ac-ft of lake inflows, with about 89% of the total occurring in the first 6 months•2019 was somewhat the reverse of 2018 which started very dry and ended very wet•2019 is ranked 30 of 78 in terms of calendar year inflowsWater Supply in 201941/7/2020AIWRPCTF10 Combined Storage of the Highland Lakes51/7/2020AIWRPCTF11 Reducing Demand•Benchmarking•Advanced Metering Infrastructure•Water Loss Control•Conservation Ordinances and IncentivesMoving Reuse Forward•Onsite Reuse•Centralized and Decentralized ReclaimedProtecting our Core Colorado River Supplies•Working with our Regional PartnersBuilding Resiliency•Aquifer Storage and RecoveryWater Forward Implementation6Continued StakeholderEngagement1/7/2020AIWRPCTF12 Continued Stakeholder Engagement71/31/2019Central Texas Water Conservation Symposium3/27/2019Water Now Alliance3/12/2019Water Forward Task Force Meeting4/10/2019Leadership Austin Engage Breakfast4/18/2019Texas State University Water Resources Planning Class4/24/2019Austin Monitor Interview4/24/2018Austin Contractors and Engineers Association4/24/2019National Adaptation Forum5/2/2019Freese and Nichols Brown Bag5/7/2019Water Forward Task Force Meeting5/28/2019Austin Bastrop-River Corridor Partnership Meeting6/5/2019Environmental and Water Resources Institute -Austin Chapter6/18/2019Texas Water Trade / DrennerGroup / Lionheart Evening Event on On-Site Water Development6/25/2019AW Alternative On-Site Water Use Workshop7/9/2019Water Forward Task Force Meeting7/19/2019Foreign Press Center Visit to AW7/23/2019AW Alternative On-Site Water Use Workshop #28/22/2019NSF Sustainable Urban Water Systems conference8/28/2019Austin Monitor Radio Interview9/3/2019Water Forward Task Force Meeting9/17/2019Barton Springs University9/17/2019KXAN Interview10/3/2019TAMU AWRA Meeting10/16/2019AW Water Forward Ordinance Open House #110/16/2019AW Water Forward Ordinance Open House #210/21/2019UT EnvironmentalScience ProfessionalismClass10/25/2019Equity Action Team Meeting11/5/2019Water Forward Task Force Meeting11/3/2019Water Utility Climate Alliance Training12/11/2019Global Water Intelligence Interview2019 Stakeholder Engagement HighlightsMajor efforts include two public stakeholder workshops and one open house held to discuss onsite reuse and other code changesAW staff also attended numerous Land Development Code related workshops and public meetings1/7/2020AIWRPCTF13 Benchmarking•Requirement that all new developments submitting a site plan also submit a water balance application included in Land Development Code (LDC) with anticipated Council adoption Spring 2020•CouncilapprovedLDConfirstreadingDec. 9, 2019 ( 3 readings required for adoption)•Mid February Council 2ndReading•Late March / Early April Council3rdReading•June 2020–water balance submittals begin, including in-person meetings for developments >250,000 SFReducing Demand1/7/2020AIWRPCTF14 Advanced Metering Infrastructure•Purchasing phase nearing completion, entering into pilot phase•City-wide implementation to last from 2020 through 2024Reducing DemandSTRONGERInfrastructure StabilityMISSIONSERVICECENTRICInfrastructure Stability and Security Customer SatisfactionStakeholder Understanding & SupportSMARTEREmployee & Leadership Development1•FINANCIAL SECURITY•RESILIENCY•METER ACCURACY•ASSET MANAGEMENT•CONSERVATION•AFFORDABLE•INSIGHTS•TRANSPARENCY•ENGAGE & NOTIFY•CENTRALIZED DATA •INNOVATION•CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT•WATER SMART GRID1/7/2020AIWRPCTF15 Conservation Ordinances and Incentives•Landscape Transformation Ordinances•Commercial landscape code currently included in LDC•Conservation staff will be working in 2020 to move the following strategies forward (may include strategy development, stakeholder engagement, and implementation)•Cooling Tower Ordinance•Landscape TransformationIncentive•Irrigation Efficiency Incentive•Potentially Consolidated Alternative Water IncentivesReducing Demand1/7/2020AIWRPCTF16 Water Loss Control•AW continuing water loss control programs, including active leak detection, improving response time to leaks, pressure management, and pipeline condition assessment and renewal•Utility bringing on a consultant to validate water treatment plant meters•AW staff will continue to study system water loss and developing strategies to reduce real losses using new data analytics approachesReducing Demand1/7/2020AIWRPCTF17 Onsite Water Reuse•Planning and Development Center Onsite Reuse Pilot•Ordinance language included in LDC changes•First reading approved by Council included amendment language directing staff to consider code enhancements that could increase beneficial use of stormwater and report possible affordability impacts back to Council •Major 2020effortswillinclude onsite water regulatory program development and incentive program developmentMoving Reuse Forward121/7/2020AIWRPCTF18 Centralized and Decentralized Reclaimed•Ordinance changes included in LDC changes –Expansion of reclaimed connection requirements for new developments >250,000 SF•Furthering reclaimed water use in Planned Unit Development negotiations •Centralized Reclaimed Master Plan Update planned for 2020•Working towards identifying opportunities for decentralized (community-scale) reclaimedMoving Reuse ForwardReclaimed Water CustomersReclaimed 2019 water use = 4,930 AF1/7/2020AIWRPCTF19 •Lower Colorado River Regional Water Planning Group participation•City of Austin -Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) Water Partnership•LCRA Water Management Plan update process participation•Imagine Austin Sustainably Manage our Water Resources priority program•Co-led by Austin Water and the Watershed Protection Department•Water Utility Climate Alliance participationProtecting our Core Colorado River SuppliesWorking with our Regional Partners1/7/2020AIWRPCTF20 Aquifer Storage and Recovery•Hosted Aquifer Storage and Recovery Technical Advisory Group August 2019•Planning to host Aquifer Storage and Recovery Technical Advisory Group meeting in Spring 2020•Issued ASR Pilot and Program Management Consultant RFQ November 2019•Currently in no contact period•Questions regarding RFQ should be directed to RFQ points of contact•Anticipated to have consultant team on board in Summer 2020Building ResiliencyRFQ Points of ContactHelen Gerlach, Austin WaterMichael Williams, Capital Contracting OfficeKenneth Kalu, Small and Minority Business Resources1/7/2020AIWRPCTF21 Aquifer Storage and RecoveryBuilding ResiliencyFY 2020-2023Identify where to pilotFY 2024-2027Design, construct,test ASR pilot, anddevelop recommendations for full-scale ASRFY 2028-2029Preliminary engineering for full-scale ASRFY 2029-2030Design for full-scale ASRFY 2031-2035Construction of full-scale ASR1/7/2020AIWRPCTF22 Related Actions•Lead Service Abatement•Austin Water planning to use in-house resources to complete the lead service inventory•This work will be phased prior to deployment of AMI and in alignment with updated EPA Lead and Copper rules•TaskForcesubcommitteetomeet regularly with utility staff for progress updates171/7/2020AIWRPCTF23 Questions and Discussion181/7/2020AIWRPCTF24 Thank you1/7/20201/7/2020AIWRPCTF25