20250312-001 February DRAFT Minutes — original pdf

AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 12, 2025, 3:00 PM The Airport Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on February 12, 2025, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Room 1405 Austin, Texas 78752 Wendy Price Todd called the regular meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Wendy Price Todd, Chair Raymond Young Jeremy Hendricks Scott Madole Doyle Valdez Fang Fang Jeff Eller Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Bakari Brock, Vice-Chair Jonathan Coon Commissioners Absent: Patrick Rose, Secretary Chad Ennis PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the AAC regular meeting on January 8, 2025 A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Young; Commissioner Hendricks seconded. The motion passed on a 9-0-0-2 vote. Commissioners Ennis and Rose were absent at this vote. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Briefing on December 2024 Financial Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer Without objection, this item was taken out of order and heard second; Rajeev Thomas provided briefing. 3. Briefing on Air Service Update provided by Jamy Kazanoff, AUS Air Service Development Without objection, this item was taken out of order and heard first; Jamy Kazanoff provided briefing. 4. Briefing on Journey with AUS (AUS AEDP/Capital Improvement Program) Active Projects provided by Lyn Estabrook, Deputy Chief Development Officer Lyn Estabrook provided briefing. 5. Briefing on AUS 2024 Special Events Response and Operations presented by Sam Haynes, Deputy Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Sam Haynes provided briefing. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 6. Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department Airport Subordinate Obligation Fund Budget (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to increase transfers in by $1,500,000 and increase appropriations by $1,500,000 for interest payments and other costs associated with the anticipated draws on the Airport System Subordinate Lein Revolving Revenue Note Program. Funding: $1,500,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department Operating Fund. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Eller; Commissioner Hendricks seconded. The motion passed on a 9-0-0-2 vote. Commissioners Rose and Ennis were absent at this vote. 7. Authorize a contract for asphalt parking lot and roads construction, rehabilitation and repair at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport for Capital Deliver Services with Alpha Paving Industries LLC, for an initial term of two-years with up to three one-year extension options in the amount of $24,000,000. Funding: $18.900,000 is available in the Department of compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 5.74% MBE and 1.61% WBE participation.] A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Madole; Commissioner Fang Fang seconded. The motion passed on a 9-0-0-2 vote. Commissioners Rose and Ennis were absent at this vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS 8. Review City Council action at the January 30, 2025 meeting – [Item 06] Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the lease with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to add two one-year extension options, and to provide for the issuance of a rent credit to TSA for reimbursement of costs incurred for remediation and site work on the leased premises, in an amount not to exceed $195,354. Funding: This item is projected to result in a reduction in revenue under this contract in the amount of $55,969 in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department’s Operating Budget. Approved on consent. Tracy Thompson noted for the record that this item was approved on consent by City Council on January 30, 2025. 9. Review City Council action at the January 30, 2025 meeting – [Item 16] Authorize a contract for original equipment manufacturer baggage handling system parts for the Department of Aviation with Siemens Logistics, LLC, for an initial term of three years with up to two one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,500,000. Funding: $375,000 is available in the Department of Aviation’s Operating Budget. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. [Sole source contracts are exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program); therefore, no subcontracting goals were established.] Approved on consent. Tracy Thompson noted for the record that this item was approved on consent by City Council on January 30, 2025. 10. Review City Council action at the January 30, 2025 meeting – [Item 20] Authorize a contract for an emergency notification system for the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport for the Department of Aviation with Everbridge, Inc., for an initial term of one year with up to two one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $272,090. Funding: $90,697 is available in the Department of Aviation’s Operating Budget. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. [This procurement was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods and services required for this procurement, there were no subcontracting opportunities, therefore, no subcontracting goals were established.] Approved on consent. Tracy Thompson noted for the record that this item was approved on consent by City Council on January 30, 2025. 11. Review City Council action at the January 30, 2025 meeting – [Item 21] Authorize a contract for replacement of pre-conditioned air conditioning and heating hoses for the Department of Aviation with Metroplex Custom Services, LLC, for an initial term of two years with up to three one-year extension options, for a total contract amount not to exceed $465,000. Funding: $65,000 is available in the Department of Aviation’s Operating Budget. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. [Sole source contracts are exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program); therefore, no subcontracting goals were established.] Approved on consent. Tracy Thompson noted for the record that this item was approved on consent by City Council on January 30, 2025. 12. Review City Council action at the January 30, 2025 meeting – [Item 44] Authorize a contract for capital project auditing and controls for the Department of Aviation with Anchor Enterprises, LLC, for an initial term of five years with up to three one-year extension options for a total amount not to exceed $32,000,000. Funding: $32,000,000 is available in the Department of Aviation’s Capital Budget. [This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 11.08% MBE and 2.71% WBE.] Approved on consent. Tracy Thompson noted for the record that this item was approved on consent by City Council on January 30, 2025. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Young requested an update on the AUS grant program-current awarded and amount spent down. Commissioner Madole has previously requested more information on forecasting. Commissioner Todd requested a briefing from the city demographer that would provide a general overview on growth trends in Austin. NEXT REGULAR MEETING The next regular meeting of the AAC is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025 ADJOURNMENT Wendy Price Todd adjourned the meeting at 4:08 p.m. without objection. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Ammie Calderon, Aviation Department, at (512) 530-6605 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Airport Advisory Commission, please contact Jason Alexander at jason.alexander@flyaustin.com.