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REGULAR MEETING of the AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAC) February 14, 2024 3:00 PM 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DR., ROOM 1405 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752 Some members of the Commission may be participating via videoconference. Livestream of the meeting will be available at ATXN1 Audio of the meeting will be available as an alternative to attending in person. Please email Ammie Calderon at by Noon of the day of the meeting for dial-in details. Public comment for general communication and for specific agenda items will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. In person registration is available for speakers who sign up at the meeting location prior to the meeting being called to order. Registration to speak remotely is available for speakers who have provided an email to Ammie Calderon at, no later than Noon of the day before the meeting. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS Wendy Price Todd, Chair Bakari Brock, Vice-Chair Patrick Rose, Secretary Raymond Young Jeremy Hendricks Jonathan Coon Chad Ennis Scott Madole Doyle Valdez Fang Fang Jeff Eller AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Public communication for items not on the agenda. The first 5 registered speakers will each be allowed a three minute allotment to address the Airport Advisory Commission on an item that is not posted on the agenda. Please see further instructions on registration above. Public communication for items included in the agenda as a Discussion/Action item. Registered speakers will each be allowed a three minute allotment to address the Airport Advisory 1 1 Commission on an item that is posted as a Discussion/Action item, but may not address the Airport Advisory Commission on an item posted as a Briefing. Please see further instructions on registration above. 1. Approve the minutes of the AAC regular meeting on January 10, 2024 APPROVAL OF MINUTES STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. December 2023 Financial Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer 3. Air Service Update provided by Jamy Kazanoff, AUS Air Service Development 4. Journey with AUS (AUS AEDP/Capital Improvement Program) Active Projects Update provided by Lyn Estabrook, Deputy Chief Development Officer 5. City of Austin FY2025 Budget Timeline and Deliverables presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief 6. AUS Special Events Response and Operations presented by Sam Haynes, Public Information and 7. Recognition of recent leadership staff promotions and reassignments Financial Officer Marketing Division Manager DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS improved roadway safety measures. 8. Discussion and possible action on a recommendation by the Airport Advisory Commission supporting 9. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for preconstruction and construction services for the Barbara Jordan Terminal (BJT) Optimization – Phase 2 (Area 2) project with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, in an amount not to exceed $150,000,000. [Note: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 10.41% DBE participation.]. 10. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for radio frequency engineering support with Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $1,625,000. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2- 9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. 2 2 WORKING GROUP UPDATES 11. Update from the Acceleration Working Group 12. Update from the Opportunity Working Group FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS NEXT REGULAR MEETING The next regular meeting of the AAC is currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 13, 2024. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Ammie Calderon, Aviation Department, at (512) 530-6605 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Airport Advisory Commission, please contact Jason Alexander at 3 3AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 10, 2024 Regular Meeting 4 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2024 The Airport Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on January 10, 2024 at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. Room 1405 Austin, Texas. Chair Wendy Todd called the regular meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Wendy Price Todd, Chair Patrick Rose, Secretary Chad Ennis Raymond Young Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Jonathan Coon Bakari Brock Jeff Eller Commissioners Absent: Scott Madole Jeremy Hendricks Fang Fang Doyle Valdez PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the regular AAC meeting on December 13, 2023. The minutes from the meeting of December 13, 2023 were approved on Commissioner Valdez’s motion and Commissioner Young seconds on an 8-0-0-3. Commissioners Brock, 5and Rose arrived after the voting of the minutes, and Commissioner Madole was absent at this vote. Commissioner Todd requested that the record shows there were No Updates from either working group in the previous months. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. November 2023 Financial Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Deputy Chief, Finance. 3. Air Service Update provided by Jamy Kazanoff, AUS Air Service Development. 4. Journey with AUS (AUS AEDP/Capital Improvement Program) Active Projects Update provided by Lyn Estabrook, Division Manager, Planning and Development. 5. Update on the Concourse B and Connector Project presented by Lyn Estabrook, Deputy Chief Development Officer, Planning and Development, and Robert Mercado, AUS Project Manager Status of Department of Aviation Structure. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7. Review City Council action at the December 14, 2023 meeting – [Item 3] Authorize funding for the Section 481 Service Fee Agreement with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for the reimbursement of CBP costs for additional or expanded services outside of CBP’s normal operating hours at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, for an additional five years in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000. Approved on consent. 8. Review City Council action at the December 14, 2023 meeting – [Item 13] Authorize negotiation and execution of three contracts for aviation information technology consultant services with the JW Group, Inc., Barich, Inc., and AECOM Technical Services, Inc., or one of the other qualified offerors, each for up to seven years for total contract amounts not to exceed $31,500,000, divided among the contractors. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this solicitation, there were insufficient subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. Approved on consent. 69. Review City Council action at the December 14, 2023 meeting – [Item 16] Approve a resolution finding that the use of the construction manager at risk method of contracting, as authorized by Subchapter F, Chapter 2269 of the Texas Government Code, is the project delivery method that provides the best value to the City for the Concourse B and Tunnel System project as part of the Airport Expansion and Development Program. (Note: MBE/WBE goals will be established prior to issuance of this solicitation). Approved on consent. 10. Review City Council action at the December 14, 2023 meeting – [Item 19] Approve a resolution finding that the use of the construction manager at risk method of contracting, as authorized by Subchapter F, Chapter 2269 of the Texas Government Code, is the project delivery method that provides the best value to the City for the West Parking Garage-Lot B project as part of the Airport Expansion and Development Program. (Note: MBE/WBE goals will be established prior to issuance of this solicitation). Approved on consent. 11. Review City Council action at the December 14, 2023 meeting – [Item 31] Authorize an amendment to the contract for the Airport Expansion and Development Program Airfield Infrastructure project with RS&H, Inc., to increase the amount by $12,700,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $20,700,000. [Note: This amendment will be executed in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) and 49 CFR Part 26 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE)]. Approved on consent. 12. Review City Council action at the December 14, 2023 meeting – [Item 70] Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to include in the City’s State and Federal Legislative Agenda support for legislation related to drone use that enhances public safety, security, and quality of life. Approved on consent. WORKING GROUP UPDATES 13. Update from the Acceleration Working Group – No Updates 14. Update from the Opportunity Working Group – No Updates FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Mobility, Wayfinding, and Rideshare Update • Pending recommendation by the AAC regarding Pedestrian and Vehicular Safety • Recognition of recently promoted staff and appreciation of service by Jim Smith • Update on Ramp Control project 7The next regular meeting of the AAC is scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2024. NEXT REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNMENT Chair Wendy Price Todd adjourned the meeting at 4:03 p.m. without objection. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Ammie Calderon, Aviation Department, at (512) 530-6605 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Airport Advisory Commission, please contact Tracy Thompson at The minutes were approved at the 2/14/2024 meeting on Commissioner motion, Commissioner seconded on an 0-0-0-0 vote with Commissioners absent. 8 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 2 – STAFF BRIEFINGS December 2023 Financial Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Airport Chief Financial Officer. 9 MEMORANDUM TO: Airport Advisory Commissioners FROM: Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer, Aviation Department DATE: February 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) Update December 2023 Financial Results Passenger traffic totaled 1,802,593 in December 2023, an increase of 5.0% compared to December 2022. Average daily departures have increased from 237 in December 2022 to 261 in December 2023, an increase of 24 daily departures or 10.1%. Table #1 Enplanements Landing Weights Cargo Tonnage Operating Revenue Airport OPEX Total Requirements FY 2024 FY 2023 Variance December December Fav (Unfav) FY 2024 YTD FY 2023 YTD Variance YTD Fav (Unfav) 920,528 879,932 4.6% 2,892,119 2,802,184 1,169,216,644 1,069,390,635 9.3% 3,598,240,392 3,364,582,390 13,539 12,482 8.5% 37,608 38,449 3.2% 6.9% (2.2%) $24,869,685 $21,221,998 $3,647,687 $79,481,621 $67,849,196 $11,632,425 $11,778,365 $10,617,696 ($1,160,669) $36,007,709 $27,285,517 ($8,722,192) $18,564,748 $16,527,026 ($2,037,721) $56,375,414 $45,021,985 ($11,353,429) Net Income Before Federal Relief $6,304,938 $4,694,972 $1,609,966 $23,106,207 $22,827,211 $278,996 Federal Relief Reimbursement $0 $14,509,585 ($14,509,585) $0 $15,995,781 ($15,995,781) Net Income After Federal Relief $6,304,938 $19,204,557 ($12,899,619) $23,106,207 $38,822,992 ($15,716,785) Table #1 illustrates December 2023’s enplanements totaled 920,528, 4.6% higher than December 2022. Landing weights totaled 1.17 billion pounds in December 2023 representing an increase of 9.3% compared to December 2022. Cargo volume totaled 13,539 tons in December 2023 representing an increase of 8.5% compared to December 2022. The decline in cargo volume YTD compared to the prior year is the result of declines in mail cargo and tonnage carried from major cargo carriers December 2023 operating revenue totals $24.9M, an increase of 17.2% or $3.6M compared to December 2022. The increase in operating revenue results from increased passenger traffic and updated airline rates for FY24. December 2023 operating revenue is composed of 48.4% airline revenue, 50.4% non-airline revenue, and 1.2% interest income. Airport operating expenses totaled $11.8M for the month, an increase of 10.9% or $1.2M compared to December 2022. The increase in operating expenses results from higher personnel costs from increased headcount and wage adjustments, and contractual costs including parking services, consulting contracts, and baggage handling system maintenance. AUS reported a $6.3M surplus in December 2023 compared to a surplus of $4.7M (before federal relief funding) in December 2022. 10 Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Results FY2024 Year to Date (YTD) Operating Revenue totals $79.5M compared to $67.8M in FY2023, a 17.1% increase. Airport Operating Expenses totaled $36M YTD in FY2024 compared to $27.3M in FY2023, a 32% increase. Net income before federal relief funding totals $23.1M YTD in FY2024 compared to $22.8M in FY2023, a 1.2% increase. Table #2 Approved Budget - Seasonalized FY 2024 FY 2024 Budget vs. YTD Variance Budget vs. YTD Variance YTD $ Fav (Unfav) % Fav (Unfav) Operating Revenue Airport OPEX Total Requirements $71,673,903 $79,481,621 $7,807,718 $34,278,751 $36,007,709 ($1,728,958) $54,634,177 $56,375,414 ($1,741,237) Net Income Before Debt Service $32,385,509 $38,451,989 $6,066,481 Net Income Before Federal Relief $17,039,727 $23,106,207 $6,066,481 Federal Relief Reimbursement $0 $0 $0 Net Income After Federal Relief $17,039,727 $23,106,207 $6,066,481 10.9% (5.0%) (3.2%) 18.7% 35.6% 0.0% 35.6% Through December 2023, AUS delivered favorable YTD financial performance compared to FY2024 budget on a seasonalized basis due to increased operating revenues. As presented in Table #2, FY2024 revenues exceed budgeted revenues by 10.9% or $7.8M. Airport operating expenses are 5.0% or $1.7M above seasonalized budgeted expenses due to higher personnel costs from faster than anticipated filling of vacant positions, increased overtime worked during the holiday season, and increased parking operations cost. Before federal relief, AUS reports net income of $23.1M, which exceeds the seasonalized budget estimate by 35.6% or $6.1M. Attachments: December 2023 - AAC Financial Report 11CITY OF AUSTIN AUSTIN-BERGSTROM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Airport Operating Fund 5070 Income Statement - For Internal Use Only Fiscal Year to Date for 3 Month(s) ended December 31, 2023 FY 2024 Budget Budget Seasonalized 3 month(s) Year to Date w/ Accruals Variance Fav (Unfav) % Variance Fav (Unfav) Y-T-D to Budget 0 6 REVENUE AIRLINE REVENUE Landing Fees Terminal Rental & Other Fees TOTAL AIRLINE REVENUE NON-AIRLINE REVENUE Parking Ground Transportation for Hire Rental Cars Food & Beverage Retail Advertising Other Concessions, Rentals & Fees TOTAL NON-AIRLINE REVENUE Interest Income TOTAL REVENUE OPERATING REQUIREMENTS Fac Mgmt, Ops and Airport Security Airport Planning and Development Support Services Business Services 2013 Prosperity Bank Loan 2014 Bond Issuance 2017 Bond Issuance 2019 Refunding Bonds 2019 New Money 2022 New Money TOTAL Net Debt Service OTHER REQUIREMENTS Workers' Compensation Citywide Administrative Support Communications & Technology Mgmt Accrued Payroll Additional Retirement Contribution Operating Reserve CTECC Trunked Radio Allocation Public Works Capital Projects Mgmt Fund Compensation Adjustment TOTAL OTHER REQUIREMENTS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Debt Service 47,227,041 91,892,750 139,119,791 67,567,206 8,940,600 20,911,887 16,357,880 6,920,612 4,906,850 21,992,777 147,597,812 2,491,042 289,208,645 85,141,445 8,161,976 46,218,424 14,238,156 153,760,001 5,414,978 7,077,844 10,034,715 14,366,313 17,724,531 12,016,000 66,634,383 619,900 6,654,530 2,154,703 202,049 3,773,716 4,670,043 527,737 457,471 1,268,713 16,359 20,345,221 12,292,907 23,848,246 36,141,153 16,155,679 1,932,799 5,372,807 3,872,375 1,580,113 1,251,151 4,745,066 34,909,990 622,761 71,673,903 19,389,550 1,769,163 9,829,810 3,290,228 34,278,751 1,352,941 1,769,461 2,508,679 3,599,341 4,430,594 1,684,766 15,345,782 154,975 1,663,633 538,676 50,512 870,858 1,167,511 131,934 114,368 317,178 0 5,009,644 13,800,208 23,012,248 36,812,456 18,472,451 2,779,485 5,871,462 5,155,692 1,744,806 1,559,536 5,897,016 41,480,449 1,188,717 79,481,621 21,341,594 1,581,876 8,941,771 4,142,468 36,007,709 1,352,941 1,769,461 2,508,679 3,599,341 4,430,594 1,684,766 15,345,782 154,975 1,663,633 538,676 50,512 870,858 1,179,790 131,934 114,368 317,178 0 5,021,923 (1,952,044) 187,287 888,039 (852,240) (1,728,958) (10.1%) 10.6% 9.0% (25.9%) (5.0%) 1,507,301 (835,998) 671,303 2,316,772 846,686 498,655 1,283,317 164,694 308,385 1,151,950 6,570,459 565,957 7,807,718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (12,280) 0 0 0 0 (12,279) 12.3% (3.5%) 1.9% 14.3% 43.8% 9.3% 33.1% 10.4% 24.6% 24.3% 18.8% 90.9% 10.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% (1.1%) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% N/A (0.2%) TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 240,739,605 54,634,177 56,375,414 (1,741,237) (3.2%) EXCESS (DEFICIT) OF TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS OVER TOTAL REQUIREMENTS Note: Columns may not add to totals shown because of rounding 48,469,040 17,039,727 23,106,207 6,066,481 35.6% 12CITY OF AUSTIN AUSTIN-BERGSTROM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT INCOME STATEMENT COMPARISON THIS YEAR VS. LAST YEAR This month - This Year vs. Last Year FY24 (Dec 23) vs FY23 (Dec 22) Fiscal YTD - This Year vs. Last Year FY24 (Oct 23 - Dec 23) vs FY23 (Oct 22 - Dec 22) FY24 Dec-23 FY23 Dec-22 Fav (Unfav) $ Variance Fav (Unfav) % Variance FY24 YTD Dec-23 FY23 YTD Dec-22 Fav (Unfav) $ Variance Fav (Unfav) % Variance 4,474,751 7,555,187 12,029,939 3,697,737 5,729,946 9,427,682 777,015 1,825,242 2,602,256 5,756,718 785,393 1,553,554 1,615,019 483,699 413,924 1,919,729 12,528,035 5,148,339 711,275 1,577,200 1,477,593 555,279 442,192 1,719,897 11,631,776 608,378 74,118 (23,647) 137,426 (71,580) (28,268) 199,832 896,259 311,712 24,869,685 162,541 21,221,998 149,171 3,647,687 6,826,386 466,420 3,125,381 1,360,178 11,778,365 6,133,065 612,697 2,773,993 1,097,941 10,617,696 (693,321) 146,277 (351,388) (262,236) (1,160,669) 21.0% 31.9% 27.6% 11.8% 10.4% (1.5%) 9.3% (12.9%) (6.4%) 11.6% 7.7% 91.8% 17.2% (11.3%) 23.9% (12.7%) (23.9%) (10.9%) 451,338 589,820 836,226 1,196,331 1,477,104 561,589 5,112,408 51,658 554,544 179,559 16,837 290,286 393,263 43,978 38,123 105,726 1,673,975 450,623 589,820 836,226 1,203,298 1,476,625 9,694 4,566,287 38,955 555,489 144,843 15,996 0 379,949 38,755 37,730 131,326 1,343,043 (715) 0 0 6,967 (479) (551,894) (546,121) (12,704) 945 (34,715) (842) (290,286) (13,314) (5,223) (392) 25,600 (330,931) (0.2%) 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% (0.0%) (5693.0%) (12.0%) (32.6%) 0.2% (24.0%) (5.3%) N/A (3.5%) (13.5%) (1.0%) 19.5% (24.6%) 13,800,208 23,012,248 36,812,456 18,472,451 2,779,485 5,871,462 5,155,692 1,744,806 1,559,536 5,897,016 41,480,449 1,188,717 79,481,621 21,341,594 1,581,876 8,941,771 4,142,468 36,007,709 1,352,941 1,769,461 2,508,679 3,599,341 4,430,594 1,684,766 15,345,782 154,975 1,663,633 538,676 50,512 870,858 1,179,790 131,934 114,368 317,178 5,021,923 11,625,219 18,171,010 29,796,230 16,371,559 2,501,392 5,795,473 4,551,793 1,883,786 1,528,205 4,859,610 37,491,817 561,149 67,849,196 15,493,529 1,668,657 7,066,240 3,057,091 27,285,517 1,352,391 1,769,461 2,508,679 3,618,999 4,428,969 28,841 13,707,339 116,864 1,666,467 434,530 47,987 0 1,139,847 116,265 113,191 393,979 4,029,129 627,569 11,632,425 111.8% 17.1% 2,174,989 4,841,237 7,016,226 2,100,892 278,093 75,990 603,899 (138,980) 31,331 1,037,406 3,988,631 (5,848,065) 86,781 (1,875,531) (1,085,377) (8,722,192) (550) 0 0 19,658 (1,625) (1,655,926) (1,638,443) (38,111) 2,834 (104,146) (2,526) (870,858) (39,943) (15,669) (1,177) 76,801 (992,794) 18.7% 26.6% 23.5% 12.8% 11.1% 1.3% 13.3% (7.4%) 2.1% 21.3% 10.6% (37.7%) 5.2% (26.5%) (35.5%) (32.0%) (0.0%) 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% (0.0%) (5741.6%) (12.0%) (32.6%) 0.2% (24.0%) (5.3%) N/A (3.5%) (13.5%) (1.0%) 19.5% (24.6%) 6,304,938 4,694,972 1,609,966 34.3% 23,106,207 22,827,211 278,996 1.2% 0 0 0 (831,789) (13,677,796) (14,509,585) (831,789) (13,677,796) (14,509,585) (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) 0 0 0 (2,317,985) (13,677,796) (15,995,781) (2,317,985) (13,677,796) (15,995,781) (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) Airline Revenue Landing Fees Terminal Rental & Other Fees Total Airline Revenue Non-Airline Revenue Parking Ground Transportation for Hire Rental Cars Food & Beverage Retail Advertising Other Concessions, Rentals & Fees Total Non-Airline Revenue Interest Income Total Operating Revenue Operating Requirements Fac Mgmt, Ops and Airport Security Airport Planning and Development Support Services Business Services Total Operating Expense Debt Service 2013 Prosperity Bank Loan 2014 Bond Issuance 2017 Bond Issuance 2019 Refunding Bonds 2019 New Money 2022 New Money Total Debt Service Other Requirements Workers' Compensation Citywide Administrative Support Communications & Technology Mgmt Accrued Payroll Additional Retirement Contribution Operating Reserve CTECC Trunked Radio Allocation Public Works Capital Projects Mgmt Fund Total Other Requirements SURPLUS (DEFICIT) OF TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS OVER TOTAL REQUIREMENTS Federal Relief Reimbursement (Parking) Federal Relief Reimbursement (Debt Service) Total Federal Relief Total Requirements 18,564,748 16,527,026 (2,037,721) (12.3%) 56,375,414 45,021,985 (11,353,429) (25.2%) TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) AFTER FEDERAL RELIEF 6,304,938 19,204,557 (12,899,619) (67.2%) $ 23,106,207 $ 38,822,992 $ (15,716,785) (40.5%) Note: Columns may not add to totals shown because of rounding 13 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 3 – STAFF BRIEFINGS Air Service Update presented by Jamy Kazanoff, Air Service Development. 14 February 2024 Air Service Snapshot AUS monthly seat comparisons, September ‘23 – June ‘24, compared to 2019 (pre-Covid) (chart one), and compared to previous year (chart two) : Highlights of recent air service announcements/developments include: Aeromexico upgauged MEX service from 99-seat E190 to 160-seat B737-800 eff. June 21 ’24 Air Canada will resume service to YVR on May 1 ’24 with 3/Wk; added 4th weekly YVR for June 6-Oct 25; will start new nonstop service to YUL eff. May 3 ’24 with 4 weekly flights on A220-300 (137 seats) Alaska dropped plans for seasonal BOI service from May 16 – Aug 19; market is now discontinued; suspended SJC from Mar 14 – April 1; discontinued SJC after April 11 Allegiant extended schedules for May 15 – Aug. 13 ’24 and will serve 18 markets; new 2/Wk service to EUG starts May 31 ‘24 American summary: o Will end ABQ, ELP, IAD, MCI, RSW, SMF at the end of January instead of middle of February 15o BZN – service dropped for Feb. 17 – Mar. 30, no other service was filed except 3 departures in Dec ‘23/Jan ‘24 o CVG, JAX, MEM–will not resume on Feb. 15 as planned, last op was on Jan. 7 o CZM – last flight was Jan. 6 o EGE – last flight was Feb. 10 instead of Mar. 17 o LIR – last flight is April 2 o MBJ – all service dropped for March and June-August o OKC– last flight is Feb. 12 o NAS – will operate in March but April-Aug. flights dropped o PUJ – last flight is Mar. 30 o PVR – last flight is April 3 o RNO – will resume May 6 instead of Feb. 15 (already cut Jan. 8-Feb. 14) o RSW – last flight is Feb. 14 instead of May 5 o TPA – last flight is Feb. 14 o TUL – service will not resume on Feb. 15 as planned (already cut Nov. 4 ’23 -Feb. 14 ‘24), last op. was Nov. 3 ‘23 o VPS - will not operate June-Sept. o Suspended RDU from Feb 1 through Mar 4 o Added 3 roundtrips to AGS in April for the Masters o Added 2 roundtrips to SDF in May for the Kentucky Derby Delta new 1x daily nonstop service to LAS & MCO started on Oct 9 ’23; will add BNA 3x, MAF 3x, & MFE 3x eff. April ‘24; also increasing CVG 1x→2x & RDU 2x→3 same day; added AGS roundtrips on April 10 & 15 for the Masters golf tournament Frontier extended schedules for April 10-Aug 12 and will serve DEN 1x daily, LAS 5/Wk Hawaiian added HNL from 3 → 4 weekly flights for May 25 – Sept 2 KLM will use the 318-seat B787-10 for April 1 – June 1 instead of the 275-seat B787-9 (16% increase in Lufthansa will bring back the B787-9 (294 seat) starting Jan. 15 ’24 and will increase service to 5/Wk on seats) June 5 ’24 Southwest summary: o Saturday only service to SJU starts Mar 9 ’24 o Reductions for Jan 8 – Mar 6 ‘24: M/Th/F reduced 12x from 114x→102x, Tu/W reduced 10x from 100x→90x, Sa flat at 64x, Sun reduced 9x from 102x→93x o Extended schedules for June 4 – Aug. 4 ’24 YOY increase to BUR, CUN, DEN, MCO, PHX, SMF, TPA BOS service returns DAL, FLL & STL slightly reduced no VPS service in ’24 o Extended schedules for Aug 5-Oct 2 will reduce from 118 peak day (Mon/Thur/Fri) trips in June to 111 trips in August schedule, with seasonal reductions in primarily leisure destinations Spirit extended schedules for May 8 – Aug 6 and will serve EWR 1x, FLL 1x, LAS 1x, LAX 1x, MCO 1x; suspended EWR & LAX from Mar 20 – April 10 Virgin Atlantic last day of LHR operation was Jan. 7 ‘24 VivaAerobus will start new MTY service eff. Mar. 22 ‘24 with 4/Wk; upgauged MTY in May from 186- seat A320 to 240-seat A321 (same as March & April); dropped MTY flights on Wednesdays in April WestJet will resume YYC service on Apr 28 ‘24 16 February ‘24 v February ‘23 (down 12 destinations): o + destinations: OMA (G4), PIT (WN) & PTY (CM) o – destinations: BZN (AA), CZM (AA), ECP (AA), EGE (AA), JAX (AA), MBJ (AA), MEM (AA), MTJ (WN), MTY (NK), NAS (AA), RNO (AA), RSW (AA), SDF (G4), SRQ (G4), VPS (AA) New AUS Nonstop Service for 2024 February 2024 v. 2023 air service comparison: Current AUS air service: 17February 2024 v. 2023 carrier seat share comparison: Based on U.S. DOT O&D Passenger Survey, Cirium, FM Traffic and ABIA statistics: 15.8% of ABIA passengers in Q3 2023 were connecting between flights at the Airport. The following is a list of the top ten domestic and international AUS connecting markets for Q3 2023: 18One-Way Domestic Fares for U.S. Medium & Large Hub Airports (Source: U.S. DOT, O&D Survey, YE Q3 2023): List of AUS Airline Codes: AA AC AM AN AS B6 BA CM DL F9 American Airlines Air Canada Aeromexico Advanced Air Alaska Airlines JetBlue Airways British Airways Copa Airlines Delta Air Lines Frontier Airlines Inc. List of AUS Airport Codes: ABQ AMA AMS ANC ATL AVL BDL BHM BNA BOI BOS BUR BWI Albuquerque, NM Amarillo, TX Amsterdam, Netherlands Anchorage Atlanta, GA Asheville, NC Hartford, CT Birmingham, AL Nashville, TN Boise, ID Boston, MA Burbank, CA Baltimore, MD G4 HA KL LH NK SY UA VS WN WS KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines Lufthansa German Airlines Spirit Airlines Sun Country Airlines Allegiant Air Hawaiian Airlines United Airlines Virgin Atlantic Airways Southwest Airlines WestJet MEM MEX MFE MIA MKE MSP MSY MTY NAS OAK OGG OKC OMA Memphis, TN Mexico City, Mexico McAllen, TX Miami, FL Milwaukee, WI Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN New Orleans, LA Monterrey, Mexico Nassau, Bahamas Oakland, CA Kahului – Maui, HI Oklahoma City, OK Omaha, NE 19CHS CLE CLT CMH CUN CVG CZM DAL DCA DEN DFW DSM DTW ECP ELP EUG EWR FLL FRA FSD GRR HNL HOU HRL IAD IAH IND JAX JFK LAS LAX LBB LGA LGB LHR LIR MAF MBJ MCI MCO MDW Charleston, SC Cleveland, OH Charlotte, NC Columbus, OH Cancun, Mexico Cincinnati, OH Cozumel, Mexico Dallas, TX Washington Reagan, DC Denver, CO Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX Des Moines, IA Detroit, MI Panama City, FL El Paso, TX Eugene, OR Newark, NJ Ft. Lauderdale, FL Frankfurt, Germany Sioux Falls, SD Grand Rapids, MI Honolulu, HI Houston Hobby, TX Harlingen, TX Washington Dulles, DC Houston Intercontinental, TX Indianapolis, IN Jacksonville, FL New York JFK, NY Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles, CA Lubbock, TX New York – LaGuardia, NY Long Beach, CA London, UK Liberia, Costa Rica Midland/Odessa, TX Montego Bay, Jamaica Kansas City, MO Orlando, FL Chicago Midway, IL ONT ORD ORF PBI PDX PHL PHX PIT PSP PUJ PTY PVR PVU RDU RNO RSW SAF SAN SAT SDF SEA SFB SFO SGF SJC SJD SJU SLC SMF SNA SRQ STL TPA TSM TUL TYS VPS XNA YUL YVR YYC YYZ Palm Beach, FL Portland, OR Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Palm Springs, CA Punta Cana, Dominican Rep. Panama City, Panama Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Provo, UT Ontario, CA Chicago O’Hare, IL Norfolk, VA Raleigh-Durham, NC Reno, NV Ft. Myers, FL Santa Fe, NM San Diego, CA San Antonio, TX Louisville, KY Seattle, WA Sanford, FL San Francisco, CA Springfield, MO San Jose, CA San Jose del Cabo, Mexico San Juan, Puerto Rico Salt Lake City, UT Sacramento, CA Orange County, CA Sarasota, FL St. Louis, MO Tampa, FL Taos Tulsa, OK Knoxville, TN Valparaiso, FL Fayetteville, AR Montreal, Canada Vancouver, Canada Calgary, Canada Toronto, Canada 20 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 4 – STAFF BRIEFINGS Journey with AUS AEDP/Capital Improvement Program) Active Projects Update provided by Lyn Estabrook, Division Manager, Planning and Development. 21Airport Expansion and Development Program (AEDP) Active Projects Update Airport Advisory Commission, February 2024 Lyn Estabrook – Deputy Chief Development Officer 22LEGEND • AEDP Airfield Infrastructure – Midfield Taxiways • AEDP Building Demolition (locations shown on slide) • Cargo Development East • West Gates Expansion / Gate 13 • Midfield Investigations & • Vehicle Checkpoints Existing Terminal Baggage Handling System Upgrades • AUS Fuel Facility Phase 2 (Tenant led, AUS Fuels Project) • Utility Infrastructure Campus-Wide UICW 23Midfield Investigations and Vehicle Checkpoints Champion Sponsor – Towanda Cordon Project Manager – Torrey Henson Project number – 6000.121 Description: This project will expand guard-shacks at two vehicle Checkpoints, Alpha and Charlie, to allow efficient and secure access to the Aircraft Operations Area. Additionally, this project includes scope to investigate the locations for midfield taxiways. Technical investigations of the airfield includes surveys, geotechnical borings, and other site investigations. Risk Mitigation Checkpoints A & C Design underway. The Aircraft Operations Area must remain secure. All activities remain operational during construction phase. Work with project teams and stakeholders prior to construction beginning. Provide alternative routes to access the Aircraft Operations Area and increase security awareness to contractors during construction phase. Status: The design for both Checkpoints Alpha and Charlie have been completed and approved by AUS as of Nov 20. Consultant is currently making final revisions to Project Manual and will submit to CoA Quality Review Office for final review within the coming weeks. Submission for a COA permit is currently underway; the permit request was submitted late last month. Project Schedule: Envision Design Build Activate %MWBE: Design: 73% Construction: TBD % Delivery Methods: Design: Corgan Construction: DBB Project Budget: Spend-To-Date: $2,783,706 Obligated: $3,188,436 Total Budget: $6,300,000 24AEDP Airfield Infrastructure - Midfield Taxiways Champion Sponsor – Lyn Estabrook Project Manager – Ellen Brunjes-Brandt Project number – 13188.003 Description: Design and construct two parallel Midfield Taxiways with connectors and access to the maintenance ramp. The project includes bridges for vehicle access to the midfield, utility relocation, drainage improvements, demolition of existing pavements and infrastructure, new fencing, service roads and modifications to Emma Browning Rd. Other Notes: This project will provide connectivity between the east and west side of the airport when the existing midfield taxiways are removed to build a second concourse. Risk Mitigation Relocation of Austin Energy service line to South Terminal to enable bridge construction. Early submission of electrical service 9/22/23 Status: • Preliminary Design Phase – Complete • 30% Design Phase - Complete • 60% Design ongoing • Design Package 1: December 22, 2023 – Review Underway • Design Package 2: January 29, 2024 • RCA to increase Design and Construction Phase services from $8M to $20.7M on December 13, 2023 • RCA for additional construction authority – March 2024 • RCA for FAA Reimbursable Agreement – February 2024 Envision Design Build Activate %MWBE: Design: 17% Construction: 11.12% Delivery Methods: Design: RS&H Construction: Construction; Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR): Austin Bridge and Road Project Budget: Spent To Date: $5,171,758 Obligated: $9,423,176 Total Budget: $323,757,200 Project Schedule: 25Envision Design Build Activate AEDP Airfield Infrastructure – Utility Infrastructure Campus-Wide (UICW) Champion Sponsor – Brian Long AUS Project Manager – Ellen Brunjes-Brandt Project number – 13307.001 Description – The Utility Infrastructure Campus-Wide (UICW) project involves the expansion or enhancement of existing and newly proposed utilities to meet the growing demands of the airport. The project encompasses utility systems including reclaimed water, storm drainage, water quality pond/deicing pond, detention pond, hydronic piping (chilled and hot water), AUS medium voltage electrical power distribution center, duct bank and electrical distribution system, redundant electrical duct banks, information technology/telecommunications duct banks, and other utility extensions that may be identified as the AEDP program progress and their seamless coordination with other AEDP facilities projects. Other Notes: This is an enabling project for AEDP Program specifically Concourse B, AD Hall, and Central Utility Plant Relocation Projects Risk Mitigation Unforeseen Underground UTL Include Survey in the design scope Status: • Utility Infrastructure Campus-Wide (Designer) Solicitation - January 24 • Utility Infrastructure Campus-Wide (CMR) Solicitation - February 24 • Concourse B & AD Hall Utility Scoping Coordination %MWBE: Design: TBD% Construction: TBD% Delivery Methods: Design: TBD Construction: Construction; Construction Manager At Risk (CMR): TBD Project Budget: Spent To Date: $0 Obligated: $0 Total forecast Budget: $164M Project Schedule: 26AEDP Airfield Infrastructure- Central Utility Plant (CUP) Champion Sponsor – Brian Long Project Manager – Carol Stewart Project number – 13307.002 Description: Description: Design, construct and commission a new, appropriately sized CUP and associated Thermal Energy Storage (TES) utilizing current efficiency technology, equipment, and operational processes to provide reliable, redundant and resilient service for the existing and future AUS cooling and heating loads. Envision Design Build Activate Risk Mitigation Changing program will require update of load calculations Monitor size of programmed buildings %DBE: Design: 8.21% Construction: TBD% Delivery Methods: Design: Design Build Construction: Design Build Project Budget: Spent To Date: $0 Obligated: $485,000 Total Budget: $170M Status: • Deadline for submitting questions – January 2, 2024 • Progressive Design Build Responses – January 12, 2024 Project Schedule: 27West Garage – Lot B AUS Project Lead – Robert Mercado Project Manager – Steven Latman Project number – 13308.002 Description: Planning, design and construction of a multi-level parking garage with a capacity of approximately 7,700 spaces. The designated location for this garage is the current Lot B surface parking area (approx. 326,000 sf), situated directly north of the existing Blue Garage. Other Notes: This project creates additional parking to parking and revenue lost due to construction and to meet future demand connected with enplanement growth forecasts associated with the addition of Concourse B Envision Design Build Activate Risk Mitigation It is imperative to ensure close coordination between the design and construction of the garage with both ongoing and upcoming strategic projects The project team will develop a strategic plan for a phased and staged approach to minimize disruptions to ongoing operations and activities at the Airport. %MWBE: Design: TBD% Construction: TBD% Delivery Methods: Design: TBD Construction: Construction; Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR): TBD Project Budget: Spent To Date: $0 Obligated: $0 Total forecast Budget: $250M Status: • Project Solicitation For Design Consultant – December 20, 2023 • Project Solicitation For CMAR – January 22, 2024 Project Schedule: 28Envision Design Build Activate AEDP Building Demolition Champion Sponsor – Lyn Estabrook Project Manager – Ellen Brunjes-Brandt Project number – 13189.012 Description: Demolish 39 Buildings on South Campus that are a safety hazard, original Airforce infrastructure, no longer serve operational need for the Department of Aviation and to make way for future development. The work includes removal of the facilities to slab level and disconnection of utilities throughout the site. Risk Mitigation Power to lights in the staff parking lots delayed New trenching from meter and panel to staff parking Lot Status: • • Phase 3 Punchlist- ongoing Substantial Completion - January 2024 Project Schedule: %MWBE: Design: 15.8% Construction: 26.87% Delivery Methods: Design: Corgan Construction: Low Bid – STR Contractors Project Budget: Spend-To-Date: $4,569,000 Obligated: $5,312,000 Total Budget: $9,608,000 29Envision Design Build Activate Barbara Jordan Terminal Optimization West Gate Expansion Champion Sponsor – Ghizlane Badawi Project Manager – Robert Mercado Project number – 13184.014 Description: The main expansion project will add 3 new Gates (short term) to the west end of the Barbara Jordan Terminal (BJT) and replace 12 aging boarding gates. This project will provide infrastructure needed for passenger growth, comfort, health and safety. Risk Mitigation Coordination issues with Operations that affect construction timing and schedule. Constant communication and notification among all stakeholders on aviation activities and project needs. Status: • Construction enabling work is underway at Gates & BJT Concourse • Temporary Gate 34 and 36 are now open for use • Apron Concrete modifications underway Project Schedule: %MWBE: Design: 17% Construction: 11.12% Delivery Methods: Design: Page Architects (Rotation List A/E Prof Services) Construction: Hensel Phelps (CMR Selection) Project Budget: Spent-To-Date: $21,990,668 Obligated: $137,012,510 Total Project Cost : $164,399,584 30AUS Cargo Development East Envision Design Build Activate Project Manager – Robert Mercado Project number – 13189.026 Description: A 90,000 SF facility for operators/tenants with room to expand to 99,000 SF. Includes employee parking, truck staging, drainage infrastructure, 3 aircraft parking positions. Risk Mitigation Schedule delays due to installation of permanent power from Austin Energy. Discussions with Austin Energy management to help with approvals for the work to proceed. Status: • • Installation of MEP scopes underway Substantial Completion estimate – Spring 2024 Project Schedule: %MWBE: Design: 15.8% Construction: 1.13% Anticipated Construction: 7.36% Delivery Methods: Design: Atkins Construction: JE Dunn & Flintco Project Budget: Spend-To-Date: $29,443,337 Obligated: $31,738,412 Total Budget: $32,874,000 31Envision Design Build Activate Barbara Jordan Terminal Optimization Gate 13 Renovation Champion Sponsor – Ghizlane Badawi Project Manager – Robert Mercado Project number – 13184.014 Description: The renovation of existing Gate 13 in the east end of the Barbara Jordan Terminal (BJT) to allow for more efficient bus operation and ground loading of planes on the Apron. Scope includes the installation of two escalators and a central stairway. Risk Mitigation Security issues related to the exterior doors that exit onto the Apron Level. Maintaining communication with aviation security on all issues affecting door access and security cameras. Status: • Gate 13 Hold Room and Hardstands are Substantially Complete and Open %MWBE Design: 3.15% Design Anticipated: 20.46% Construction: 2.23% Construction Anticipated: 22.33% Delivery Methods: Design: Page Architects (RL) Construction: Alpha Bldg. (RL JOC) Project Budget: Spend-To-Date: $3,554,988 Obligated: $3,946,803 Total Budget: $4,000,000 Project Schedule: 32AUS Fuel Facility Upgrade Package 2 Envision Design Build Activate Sponsor – Tenant Project - Airline Fuel Consortium AUS Project Manager – David Smythe-Macaulay Project number – F7003.08 Description: Project is led by tenant AUS Fuels (Airline Fuel Consortium). Design and build a new Jet A fuel storage facility with two underground transfer lines connecting to the existing facility. Risk Mitigation FAA required monitoring of telecommunications installations alongside FAA cables. FAA process may delay completion. Request FAA assign someone to monitor installation immediately after the agreement is executed. Status: • Permanent power is now available to facility • Started renovations to the Metropolis & HWY 183 intersection • Continue building concrete dike walls around tanks • Continuing to fabricate and install piping and pumps • Continue with site grading and roads • Complete Vehicle Service Road • Project early completion is anticipated for February 2024 • Monthly construction updates available online – %MWBE Goal: 6.6% Participation to Date: 4.60% Anticipated Participation: 5.10% Delivery Methods: Design-Build Contractor: Burns & McDonnell Project Budget: ~$64M Project Schedule: 33Existing Terminal Centralized Baggage Handling System Upgrades Envision Design Build Activate Sponsor – Brian Long AUS Project Manager – Rohini Kumarage Project number – 5415.112 Description – Design build a new centralized baggage handling system (BHS) to increase screening capacity, address existing operational concerns, and upgrade to 30 Million Annual Passengers processed. Rebased line scope for Design of infill and bump out per AUS executive team and airlines in December 2022 Risk Mitigation Construction material shortage and lead/delivery times. Schedule extension due to redefined scope at the West Infill scope, may added 12 months. The EDS equipment delivery date is being coordinated with TSA Ordering all equipment and materials early, tracking material pricing and procurement/delivery times. Ensured Phase 1 not impacted. West Infill release of 30% design to finalize the end product. Team is evaluating testing schedule to accommodate the delivery of the EDS machines. Delivery Method: Design-Build Contractor: Whiting-Turner Designers: Gensler, VTC BHS Project Budget: Spend-To-Date: $ 84,929,921 Obligated: $142,497,539 Total Budget: $238,000,00 %MWBE Construction and Design: 5.52% Anticipated: 10% Austin-Bergstrom International Airport Project Schedule: Status: Tenant/Enabling - All Tenants have been relocated. Phase 1 – 100% Baggage Handling System Design Approved by TSA, Conveyor Installation is 95% in Bag Claim Ceiling, 100% in the CBIS/CBRA, and 75% in the Apron. Electrical Installation is 98% CBIS/CBRA with device terminations. Conveyor start Up and programing in progress. Phase 2 –West Infill/Bump out Concept Planning redefined per AUS Exec and Airlines due to increased passenger demand. Additional funding was approved from AAC and Council. BHS CBIS /CBRA was approved by TSA. 60% design was submitted and reviewed by AUS. Permits submissions for early works site-work and demolition have been submitted and approved. Contractor for sitework has mobilized and has cleared the site. Underground utilities have commenced. Budget: Phase 1 on track, Phase 2 pending 100% drawings (redesign of bump out). 34Thank You! 35 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 5 – STAFF BRIEFINGS City of Austin FY2025 Budget Timeline and Deliverables presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer 36MEMORANDUM TO: Boards and Commissions FROM: Kerri Lang, FSD - Budget Officer DATE: January 29, 2024 SUBJECT: FY 2024-25 Budget Process and Calendar ______ The City remains committed to an inclusive annual budget process. Resident and stakeholder feedback, including the various boards and commissions recommendations, guide City leadership during budget deliberations. The FY 2023-24 budget contained investments that aligned to boards and commissions recommendations, budget priority survey results and community conversations. These enhancements included funding to improve maintenance and security at parks, expand the Enhanced Library Card program, continue emergency shelter operations, bolster the capacity of the Downtown Austin Community Court, and renovate Zilker Park restrooms to be more inclusive with an adult-sized changing table. The Financial Services Department’s Budget and Performance Division will continue to coordinate with City departments to review recommendations passed by boards and commissions. To ensure the recommendations are voted and approved by the full commission, please post the approved recommendation to the respective board and commission website, under meeting documents. The deadline for submitting recommendations is March 31, 2024, allowing staff the necessary time to review the recommendations. For your information, the proposed calendar for the FY 2024-25 budget is shown below: • March 31 • May 3 • July 12 • July 24 • August 1 • August 14 Board and Commission recommendations due to the Budget and Performance Division Department budgets due to the Budget and Performance Division Presentation of the FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget to City Council Community Input Sessions at 10am Community Input Session at 3pm Budget Adoption Additional information can be found at Should you have any questions, please contact our office at cc: Ed Van Eenoo, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services Department 37 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 6 – STAFF BRIEFINGS AUS Special Events Response and Operations presented by Sam Haynes, Public Information and Marketing Division Manager 38AUS Special Events Response & Operations Sam Haynes Aviation Division Manager Public Information & Marketing 39Agenda • 2023 & Top Busiest Days Review • AUS Preparedness • Department Operations Center • AUS Public Communications • Questions 2 40Top 5 Busiest Days Date Event People Screened by TSA Monday, Oct. 23, 2023 Monday, Oct. 24, 2022 Monday, Oct. 16, 2023 Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023 Friday, Nov. 17, 2023 43,243 42,241 38,475 38,252 37,792 Monday after F1 race Monday after F1 race Monday after ACL Weekend 2 Sunday after AfroTech & UT Game Friday before Thanksgiving 4 416 427 438 44Questions? Visit for the latest AUS news & info 11 45 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 8 – DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEM Discussion and possible action on a recommendation by the Airport Advisory Commission supporting improved roadway safety measures. 46 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20240214-008 Seconded By: Date: February 14, 2024 Subject: Road Safety Motioned By: Wendy Price Todd Recommendation: Department of Aviation staff to coordinate with Austin Police (APD), Fire (AFD) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS); Austin Transportation Public Works (TPW) Department Vision Zero Program; and the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) #EndTheStreak Program and other means to promote pedestrian, bicycle, driver and vehicle safety in and around Austin-Bergstrom International Airport and also in order to keep at least one lane in each direction including airport entrances and exits open under most circumstances. Description of Recommendation to Council: Airport Advisory seeks improved safety measures and enhanced communication with APD, AFD, EMS, TPW and TXDOT to avoid future incidents and to manage traffic in order that the roadways in and out of the airport remain safe and operational, especially along SH71 and SH183. Rationale: Fatal highway incidents on Northbound 183 (11/14/2022) and on Eastbound SH71 (11/15/2023) resulted in lane closures Fatal vehicle related incidents on secure airfield side on 4/20/2023 and 10/31/2023 Neighborhoods surrounding airport considered by City of Austin Equity Analysis to be Most or Medium- High Vulnerable City of Austin Transportation and Public Works Intersection safety project on Burleson Road and SH 183 City of Austin Transportation and Public Works (TPW) Vision Zero State of Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) #EndTheStreak 47 Vote: For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: [Staff or board member can sign] 48 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 9 – DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEM Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for preconstruction and construction services for the Barbara Jordan Terminal (BJT) Optimization – Phase 2 (Area 2) project with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, in an amount not to exceed $150,000,000. [Note: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 10.41% DBE participation.]. 49 50 AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION ITEM 10 – DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEM Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for radio frequency engineering support with Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $1,625,000. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2- 9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. 51City of Austin Recommendation for Action File #: 24-3900, Agenda Item #: 2/29/2024(cid:4) Posting Language Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for radio frequency engineering support with Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $1,625,000. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2- 9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Department of Aviation. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $250,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of the Department of Aviation. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued a Request for Qualifications Statements (RFQS) 8100 GAZ4000 for these services. The solicitation was issued on August 28, 2023, and closed on October 10, 2023. Of the two offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the best evaluated responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a log of offers received, is available for viewing on the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. This information can currently be found at: For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department - Central Procurement at: or 512-974-2500. Respondents to the solicitation and their Agents should direct all questions to the Authorized Contact Person identified in the solicitation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: February 14, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Airport Advisory Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide radio frequency (RF) engineering support services for the Department of Aviation at the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA). The services include RF systems design, analysis, troubleshooting, measurement, installation, maintenance, repair, frequency coordination, and systems documentation. Specific responsibilities of the contractor include maintenance and repair of ABIA’s public City of Austin Page 1 of 2 Printed on 1/30/2024 powered by Legistar™ 52(cid:5) (cid:6) File #: 24-3900, Agenda Item #: 2/29/2024(cid:4) safety and operations Distributed Antenna System, coordination of tenant RF systems requests and installations, assisting ABIA and tenants with interference issues, maintaining documentation related to the RF distributions systems and tenant installations, and remote monitoring and alerting services for the active components of the existing RF distribution system. These services are necessary to provide for the operation and maintenance of radio communications and RF systems infrastructure, and the distribution and protection for the reliability of critical life safety radio communications. ABIA contains a large number of wireless users that can create interruptions to, and interference with, other ongoing radio traffic including the communication between pilots and air traffic controllers. ABIA continues to see an increase in the implementation of wireless devices used to monitor various types of equipment throughout the terminal (elevators, baggage-handling system, and fire extinguishers) and airfield. An evaluation team with expertise in this area evaluated the offers and scored Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. as the best to provide these services based on firm experience and references and overall personnel and project management structure. City of Austin Page 2 of 2 Printed on 1/30/2024 powered by Legistar™ 53(cid:5) (cid:6)