REGULAR MEETING of the AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAC) March 12, 2025 3:00 PM 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DR., ROOM 1405 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752 Some members of the Commission may be participating via videoconference. Livestream of the meeting will be available at ATXN1 Audio of the meeting will be available as an alternative to attending in person. Please email Ammie Calderon at by Noon of the day of the meeting for dial-in details. Public comment for general communication and all agenda items will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. In-person registration is available for speakers who sign up at the meeting location prior to the meeting being called to order. Registration to speak remotely is available for speakers who have provided an email to Ammie Calderon at, no later than Noon of the day before the meeting. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS Wendy Price Todd, Chair Bakari Brock, Vice-Chair Patrick Rose, Secretary Raymond Young Jeremy Hendricks Jonathan Coon AGENDA Chad Ennis Scott Madole Doyle Valdez Fang Fang Jeff Eller CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Public communication for items not on the agenda. The first 5 registered speakers will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address the Airport Advisory Commission on an item that is not posted on the agenda. Please refer to the registration instructions above. 1 Public communication for items on the agenda. Registered speakers will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address the Airport Advisory Commission on an item that is posted as a Briefing, Discussion/Action, or Discussion item. Please refer to the registration instructions above. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the AAC regular meeting on February 12, 2025 STAFF BRIEFINGS Officer 2. Briefing on January 2025 Financial Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial 3. Briefing on Air Service Update provided by Jamy Kazanoff, AUS Air Service Development 4. Briefing on Journey with AUS (AUS AEDP/Capital Improvement Program) Active Projects provided by Lyn Estabrook, Deputy Chief Development Officer 5. Briefing on FY25 Grant Update presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 6. Authorize negotiation and execution of a lease with Worldwide Flight Services, Inc. for certain premises consisting of approximately 1,466 square feet of building space and related improvements for office use and support of its ground handling operations at Austin- Bergstrom International Airport, for a term of one year, with a renewal option for an additional one-year term. …
REGULAR MEETING of the AIRPORT ADVIS ORY CO MMISS ION (AAC) March 12, 2025 3:00 PM 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DR., ROOM 1405 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752 Some members of the Commission may be participating via videoconference. Livestream of the meeting will be available at ATXN1 Audio of the meeting will be available as an alternative to attending in person. Please email Ammie Calderon at by Noon of the day of the meeting for dial-in details. Public comment for general communication and all agenda items will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. In-person registration is available for speakers who sign up at the meeting location prior to the meeting being called to order. Registration to speak remotely is available for speakers who have provided an email to Ammie Calderon at, no later than Noon of the day before the meeting. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS Wendy Price Todd, Chair Bakari Brock, Vice-Chair Patrick Rose, Secretary Raymond Young Jeremy Hendricks Jonathan Coon AGENDA Chad Ennis Scott Madole Doyle Valdez Fang Fang Jeff Eller CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Public communication for items not on the agenda. The first 5 registered speakers will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address the Airport Advisory Commission on an item that is not posted on the agenda. Please refer to the registration instructions above. 1 Public communication for items on the agenda. Registered speakers will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address the Airport Advisory Commission on an item that is posted as a Briefing, Discussion/Action, or Discussion item. Please refer to the registration instructions above. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the AAC regular meeting on February 12, 2025 STAFF BRIEFINGS Officer 2. Briefing on January 2025 Financial Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial 3. Briefing on Air Service Update provided by Jamy Kazanoff, AUS Air Service Development 4. Briefing on Journey with AUS (AUS AEDP/Capital Improvement Program) Active Projects provided by Lyn Estabrook, Deputy Chief Development Officer 5. Briefing on FY25 Grant Update presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 6. Authorize negotiation and execution of a lease with Worldwide Flight Services, Inc. for certain premises consisting of approximately 1,466 square feet of building space and related improvements for office use and support of its ground handling operations at Austin- Bergstrom International Airport, for a term of one year, with a renewal option for an …
AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION (AAC) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 12, 2025, 3:00 PM The Airport Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on February 12, 2025, at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Room 1405 Austin, Texas 78752 Wendy Price Todd called the regular meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Wendy Price Todd, Chair Raymond Young Jeremy Hendricks Scott Madole Doyle Valdez Fang Fang Jeff Eller Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Bakari Brock, Vice-Chair Jonathan Coon Commissioners Absent: Patrick Rose, Secretary Chad Ennis PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the AAC regular meeting on January 8, 2025 A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Young; Commissioner Hendricks seconded. The motion passed on a 9-0-0-2 vote. Commissioners Ennis and Rose were absent at this vote. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Briefing on December 2024 Financial Results presented by Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer Without objection, this item was taken out of order and heard second; Rajeev Thomas provided briefing. 3. Briefing on Air Service Update provided by Jamy Kazanoff, AUS Air Service Development Without objection, this item was taken out of order and heard first; Jamy Kazanoff provided briefing. 4. Briefing on Journey with AUS (AUS AEDP/Capital Improvement Program) Active Projects provided by Lyn Estabrook, Deputy Chief Development Officer Lyn Estabrook provided briefing. 5. Briefing on AUS 2024 Special Events Response and Operations presented by Sam Haynes, Deputy Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Sam Haynes provided briefing. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 6. Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department Airport Subordinate Obligation Fund Budget (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to increase transfers in by $1,500,000 and increase appropriations by $1,500,000 for interest payments and other costs associated with the anticipated draws on the Airport System Subordinate Lein Revolving Revenue Note Program. Funding: $1,500,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department Operating Fund. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Eller; Commissioner Hendricks seconded. The motion passed on a 9-0-0-2 vote. Commissioners Rose and Ennis were absent at this vote. 7. Authorize a contract for asphalt parking lot and roads construction, rehabilitation and repair at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport for Capital Deliver Services with Alpha Paving Industries LLC, for an initial term of two-years with up to three one-year extension options in the amount of $24,000,000. Funding: $18.900,000 is available in the Department of compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9A (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement …
MEMORANDUM TO: Airport Advisory Commissioners FROM: Rajeev Thomas, Chief Financial Officer, Aviation Department DATE: March 12, 2025 SUBJECT: Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) Update January 2025 Financial Results Passenger traffic totaled 1,396,839 in January 2025, a decrease of 5.8% compared to January 2024. Average daily departures decreased from 224 in January 2024 to 204 in January 2025, a decrease of 20 daily departures or 8.8% resulting from capacity reductions to better match demand by air carriers. Table #1 FY 2025 January FY 2024 January Variance Fav (Unfav) FY 2025 YTD FY 2024 YTD Variance YTD Fav (Unfav) Enplanements Landing Weights Cargo Tonnage Operating Revenue Airport OPEX Total Requirements Net Income 682,885 725,594 (5.9%) 3,450,904 3,617,713 937,572,380 1,005,631,458 (6.8%) 4,253,837,231 4,603,871,850 10,173 11,579 (12.1%) 47,750 49,187 (4.6%) (7.6%) (2.9%) $25,788,907 $23,599,287 $2,189,621 $113,785,377 $103,080,908 $10,704,469 $16,412,105 $25,451,585 $11,939,946 $18,726,328 ($4,472,159) $55,792,962 $47,947,655 ($7,845,308) ($6,725,256) $88,456,898 $75,101,742 ($13,355,155) $337,323 $4,872,958 ($4,535,636) $25,328,479 $27,979,166 ($2,650,686) Table #1 illustrates January 2025’s enplanements totaled 682,885, a decrease of 5.9% compared to January 2024. Landing weights totaled 938 million pounds in January 2025 representing a decrease of 6.8% compared to January 2024. Cargo volume totaled 10,173 tons in January 2025, a decrease of 12.1% compared to January 2024. January 2025 operating revenue totaled $25.8M, an increase of 9.3% or $2.2M compared to January 2024. The increase in operating revenue primarily results from updated airline rates and charges in FY2025. January 2025 operating revenue is composed of 51.8% airline revenue, 46.9% non-airline revenue, and 1.3% interest income. Airport operating expenses totaled $16.4M for the month, an increase of 37.5% or $4.4M compared to January 2025. January 2025 included three pay periods compared to two pay periods in January 2024, which drives additional personnel expense in the month. Additionally, operating expenses increased due to improved staffing, higher costs for APD and ARFF units, and increased contractual costs related to information systems and maintenance. As a result of the elevated monthly operating expenses, AUS reported a $0.3M surplus in January 2025, a decrease of $4.5M compared to January 2024. Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Results FY2025 Year to Date (YTD) Operating Revenue totals $113.8M compared to $103.1M in FY2024, a 10.4% increase. Airport Operating Expenses totaled $55.8M YTD in FY2025 compared to $47.9M in FY2024, a 16.4% increase. Net income totals $25.3M YTD in FY2025 compared to $28.0M in FY2024, a 9.5% decrease. Table #2 Approved Budget - Seasonalized FY 2025 …
March 2025 Air Service Snapshot AUS quarterly seat comparisons, Q1 2025 and Q2 2025 compared to 2019 (pre-Covid) in left chart, and compared to year over year (YoY) 2024 in right chart: Source: Cirium schedule data. Highlights of recent air service announcements/developments include: • Aeromexico Added MEX #2 daily effective June 26 ‘25; 2x daily flights will be operated with 99-seat E190 for a 24% capacity increase (instead of the 1x daily 160-seat B737) • Air Canada will serve YUL May 2 – Oct. 24 ’25, and YVR May 1 – Oct. 25 ’25; YVR will return at 4/wk and increase to 5/wk for June – September ‘25; AC upgauged YYZ from A319 (136 seats) to A320 (168 seats) eff. May 1 ‘25 • Allegiant closed its AUS crew base on January 7 ‘25 and service is permanently cancelled to BZN, FSD, SDF & SNA; extended schedules for Feb 12 – May 13 ’25 and will serve 6 markets: AVL, CVG, DSM, GRR, PVU & TYS; extended schedules for May 14 – Sept. 2 ’25 and will serve 12 markets: AVL, CVG, DSM, GRR, IAD, IND, LAS, PIT, PVU, SFB, SRQ & TYS; extended schedules for Sept. 3 – Nov. 18 ’25 and will serve 6 markets: AVL, CVG, DSM, GR,R PVU & TYS • American summary of 2024/2025 service changes: o Discontinued ABQ, BNA, BOS, BZN, CVG, CZM, EGE, ELP, IAD, IND, JAX, LAS, LIR, MBJ, MCI, MCO, MEM, MSY, NAS, OKC, PUJ, PSP, PVR, RDU, RNO, RNO, RSW, SMF, SNA, TPA, TUL & VPS o AA will serve 14 markets from AUS in Q1 2025 (a 27% reduction in seat capacity YoY) o Added AGS roundtrips on April 6, 11 & 14 ’25 for the Masters Golf o Added SDF flights on May 1 and 4 ’25 for Kentucky Derby • British Airways downgauged LHR #1 from A350-1000 (331 seats) to B777-200ER (272 seats) starting Mar. 29 ‘25; added LHR #2 daily, eff. Mar. 31 ‘25 which will operate 6/Wk (all days except Sunday); second frequency in Summer 2025 (March 20-Oct. 25 ‘25) will be mix of B787-8 and -9 • Copa added flights on March 9, 16 & 23 ’25 (Sundays) • Delta summary of service changes: o New markets: MSY (eff. Feb. 27 ’25), ECP (eff. Mar. 9 ’25), IND, JAX & MEM (eff. May 7 ’25), SFO & TPA (eff. June 8 ’25) o Added …
Journey With AUS - Airport Expansion & Development Program Active Projects Update Airport Advisory Commission March 2025 Lyn Estabrook Deputy Chief – Planning & Development Table of Contents ● Project Updates Parking and Landside: West Garage Atrium Infill Airfield Infrastructure – Midfield Taxiways Utility Infrastructure Campus-Wide Central Utility Plant Relocation Concourse B and Tunnel Arrivals and Departures Hall ○ West Infill and TSA Checkpoint 3 Expansion ○ West Gate Expansion ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Appendix ○ ○ ○ Project Prime Firms & RCAs Project Details Project Descriptions 2 Project Updates Program Overview Journey With AUS projects are developed through a five–phase process: West Infill & TSA Checkpoint 3 Expansion *As part of the Outbound Baggage Handling System project Latest Updates ○ Curtain wall installation continues ○ Hangars and supports for the mechanical and electrical continues ○ Exterior waterproofing is nearing completion Anticipated Timeline ○ Build: Q1 2024 – Q1 2026 Design-Build: Gensler/Whiting Turner Curtain wall installation and waterproofing 5 West Gate Expansion Latest Updates ○ ○ ○ ○ Exterior framing being installed Roof decking on low roofs being installed Ramp level fireproofing complete and utility rough- ins underway Framing of roof parapets begun ○ Gate 28 passenger boarding bridge returned ○ Gate 24 passenger boarding bridge replacement in to service progress ● Anticipated Timeline ○ Build: Q2 2023 – Q1 2026 Designer: Page Construction: Hensel Phelps 6 Low roof decking lifted into place for installation Airfield Infrastructure: Midfield Taxiways Latest Updates ○ Austin Bridge & Road Work Package subcontractor contract execution complete ○ Construction submittals review ongoing ○ Grading for new roadways, parking and water quality pond ○ Activated Metal Road ○ Utility removals and new utility placement ongoing Anticipated Timeline ○ Build: Q4 2024 – Q2 2027 Designer: RS&H Construction: Austin Bridge & Road 7 Parking and Landside: Yellow Garage Latest Updates ○ 90% drawings completed ○ Groundbreaking held on February 28 ○ Multiple sub-contractor outreach events completed. Anticipated Timeline ○ Design: Q3 2024 – Q3 2025 ○ Build: Q1 2025 – Q1 2028 Designer: PGAL Construction: Austin Commercial 8 Design rendering. Final design specifications and features subject to change as the project progresses. Yellow Garage Renderings + Site Map Design renderings. Final design specifications and features subject to change as the project progresses. 9 Atrium Infill Latest Updates ○ GMP #1 executed for long-lead time items ○ 100% design in review ○ Construction expected …
FY25 Grant Update Active Grant GRANT BALANCES $5,555,650 $10,434,350 BIL-ATP $260,374 $3,304,412 AIP $474,176 $2,325,824 AIP $8,105,483 $6,144,517 BIL-ATP $25,260,000 $- BIL-ATP Grant #67 Cargo East Grant #71 BHS -West Infill Design and Construction Grant #73 Aedp Airfield Infrastructure Design Grant #74 Aedp Airfield Infrastructure Design Grant #75 Atrium Infill Construction Drawn to Date (Active) Remaining Balance to Drawdown $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $- 1 Pending Grant Grant #76 Concourse B & Tunnel Design (BIL- ATP) $33,270,000 Grant #77 CUP Design (BIL- AIG) $4,880,000 Grant #78 AEDP Airfld Infras Construction (BIL-AIG) $17,000,000 Grant #79 Maintenance Ramp/Apron Design (BIL-AIG) $2,500,000 ---------------- $57,650,000 TOTAL Pending 2 BIL By Year AIG Earmarks ATP Announced Year 1- 4 $76,090,057 $87,780,000 ATP Awarded $55,500,000 **Once pending grant 76 is obligated ATP Awarded will reflect additional $33,270,000. 3
City of Austin Recommendation for Action File #: 25-0118, Agenda Item #: 4. 3/27/2025 Posting Language Authorize negotiation and execution of a lease with Worldwide Flight Services, Inc. for certain premises consisting of approximately 1,466 square feet of building space and related improvements for office use and support of its ground handling operations at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, for a term of one year, with a renewal option for an additional one-year term. Funding: This item is projected to result in approximately $12,828 in additional revenue for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department’s Operating Budget. Lead Department Aviation Fiscal Note This item is projected to result in approximately $12,828 in additional revenue for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department’s Operating Budget. For More Information: Inquiries should be directed to Tracy Thompson, Airport Chief Officer - Business & External Affairs at <>, 512-530-5023. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: To be reviewed by the Austin Airport Advisory Commission on March 12, 2025. Additional Backup Information: The Department of Aviation seeks to lease Suite 200 of its air cargoport facility located at 9501 Cargo Avenue. Worldwide Flight Services, Inc. (WFS) is currently authorized to use this space under a temporary license agreement for office use and support of operations and services provided at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, and desires to secure leased premises for a longer term. Under the proposed terms for the new lease, WFS would lease for its exclusive use, approximately 1,466 square feet of building space subject to the current AUS-established cargo building base rental rate of $14.00 per square foot per annum. This will generate an estimated annual base rent total of $20,524. In addition to this base rent, there will be an O&M recovery fee calculated as 25% of the base rent, which is $5,131. The base rent is subject to escalation annually based on the higher of CPI or 3%. The proposed lease will generate an estimated $25,655 for a one-year term, or $52,079 if a one-year option renewal is exercised. City of Austin Page 1 of 1 Printed on 3/7/2025 powered by Legistar™
City of Austin Recommendation for Action File #: 25-0119, Agenda Item #: 5. 3/27/2025 Posting Language Authorize negotiation and execution of a lease with Global Aviation Services, LLC d/b/a Primeflight GSE Maintenance for certain premises consisting of approximately 2,458 square feet of building space and related improvements for its aircraft maintenance operations at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, for a term of five years, with a renewal option for an additional one-year term. Funding: This item is projected to result in approximately $21,508 in additional revenue for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department’s Operating Budget. Lead Department Aviation Fiscal Note This item is projected to result in approximately $21,508 in additional revenue for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Aviation Department’s Operating Budget. For More Information: Inquiries should be directed to Tracy Thompson, Airport Chief Officer - Business & External Affairs at <>, 512-530-5023. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: To be reviewed by the Austin Airport Advisory Commission on March 12, 2025. Additional Backup Information: The Department of Aviation seeks to lease Suite 300 of its air cargoport facility located at 9401 Cargo Avenue., to Global Aviation Services, LLC d/b/a Primeflight GSE Maintenance (Primeflight). Primeflight is currently authorized to use this space under a temporary license agreement for the support of its operations and services provided at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport and desires to secure leased premises for a longer term. Under the proposed terms for the new lease, Primeflight would lease for its exclusive use, approximately 2,458 square feet of building space applying the current AUS-established cargo building base rental rate of $14.00 per square foot per annum. This will generate an estimated annual base rent total of $34,412. In addition to this base rate, there will be an O&M recovery fee calculated as 25% of the base rent total, which is $8,603. The base rent is subject to escalation annually based on the higher of CPI or 3%. The proposed lease will generate an estimated $228,370 during the five-year term, or $278,239 if a one-year option renewal is exercised. City of Austin Page 1 of 1 Printed on 3/7/2025 powered by Legistar™
City of Austin Recommendation for Action File #: 25-0305, Agenda Item #: 7. 3/27/2025 Posting Language Authorize a contract for campus closed-circuit television onsite preventative maintenance, troubleshooting, and repairs for the Department of Aviation with Convergint Technologies, LLC, for an initial term of one year with up to four one-year extension options for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,755,002. Funding: $408,007 is available in the Department of Aviation’s Operating Budget. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Department of Aviation. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $408,007 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of the Department of Aviation. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: Multiple cooperative purchase programs were reviewed for these services. The Financial Services Department and the Aviation Department have determined this contractor best meets the needs of the Aviation Department to provide these services required for the City. MBE/WBE: This procurement was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods and services required for this procurement, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department - Central Procurement at or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: March 12, 2025 - To be reviewed by the Airport Advisory Commission. Additional Backup Information: The purpose of this contract is to provide full-time technicians as staff augmentation to troubleshoot and repair the Department of Aviation’s closed-circuit television (CCTV) system. Aviation's CCTV system includes approximately 1,500 cameras monitoring the campus perimeter gates, terminal building (interior and exterior City of Austin Page 1 of 2 Printed on 2/28/2025 powered by Legistar™ File #: 25-0305, Agenda Item #: 7. 3/27/2025 across five levels), various outbuildings, and parking areas (both garages and surface lots). This system is utilized by Aviation’s operations and security teams, the Transportation Security Administration, Customs and Border Protection, and Austin Police Department to ensure safety, security, compliance, and to support operational needs. Current goals include upgrades to aging and obsolete cameras, addressing network and cabling issues, resolving faulty equipment, and adapting to changing view requirements. This is a new service contract for Aviation with estimates based on …
City of Austin Recommendation for Action File #: 25-0309, Agenda Item #: 11. 3/27/2025 Posting Language Authorize a contract for airfield lighting, signage, and original equipment manufacturer replacement parts for the Department of Aviation with ADB Safegate Americas Holding, Inc., for a term of five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,307,805. Funding: $500,000 is available in the Department of Aviation’s Operating Budget. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Department of Aviation. Purchasing Language: Sole Source. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $500,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget of the Department of Aviation. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. MBE/WBE: Sole source contracts are exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program); therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department - Central Procurement at or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: March 12, 2025 - To be reviewed by the Airport Advisory Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will support the Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS) by providing original equipment manufacturer parts to ensure compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. This system is operated by the FAA air traffic control tower to control the airfield lighting and signage systems during commercial aircraft landing and departure operations at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS). This contract continues to serve as part of AUS’s mission to provide safe and reliable mobility to the traveling public. City of Austin Page 1 of 2 Printed on 2/28/2025 powered by Legistar™ File #: 25-0309, Agenda Item #: 11. 3/27/2025 The ALCMS at AUS was designed, installed, and has been supported by the contractor since 1999. ADB Safegate Americas Holding, Inc. is the sole source provider and manufacturer of the replacement parts for this system. This contract will replace a contract expiring in June 2025. Historical spend data was reviewed and the quantity and authority of this contract has increased due to expanding operations at the airport and the planned future development. This contract is necessary to remain in compliance with FAA regulations. Failure to maintain our compliance could result in closure of our airfield and fines, affecting AUS’ performance. City of …
City of Austin Recommendation for Action File #: 25-0416, Agenda Item #: 4/10/2025(cid:4) Posting Language Authorize a contract for preventative maintenance and repair services for variable frequency drives for the Department of Aviation with Lelam Holdings d/b/a Climate Solutions, for an initial term of four years with up to one one-year extension option in an amount not to exceed $878,400. Funding: $87,840 is available in the Department of Aviation’s Operating Budget. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Department of Aviation. Fiscal Note Department of Aviation. Purchasing Language: MBE/WBE: were established. For More Information: solicitation. Funding in the amount of $87,840 is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget of the Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids solicitation IFB 8100 SSC1025 for these good and services. The solicitation was issued on December 23, 2024 and closed on January 21, 2025. Of the four offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s website. This information can currently be found at This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this solicitation, there were insufficient subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department - Central Procurement at or 512-974-2500. Respondents to the solicitation and their Agents should direct all questions to the Authorized Contact Person identified in the Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: March, 12, 2025 - To be reviewed by the Airport Advisory Commission. City of Austin Page 1 of 2 Printed on 3/5/2025 powered by Legistar™ 1 (cid:5) (cid:6) File #: 25-0416, Agenda Item #: 4/10/2025(cid:4) Additional Backup Information: This contract will provide preventative maintenance, installation, and repair services for variable frequency drives (VFDs) for the Department of Aviation. VFDs are used to precisely control the speed of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning motors, reducing energy consumption and improving comfort levels within a building. This contract will further Aviation’s goals of being environmentally conscience, extend the expected lifespan of equipment, and provide consistent indoor comfort levels for …