Airport Advisory Commission - Jan. 14, 2020

Airport Advisory Commission Regular Meeting of the Airport Advisory Commission

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:18 p.m.

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AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, January 14, 2020 The Airport Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, in Room 174-A of the Department of Aviation Planning & Engineering Building, 2716 Spirit of Texas Drive, in Austin, Texas. CALL TO ORDER Mike Rodriguez, Chair called the Commission Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Billy Owens Frank Maldonado Wendy Todd Price Commission Members in Attendance: Mike Rodriguez, Chair Eugene Sepulveda, Vice Chair Michael Watry – Secretary Scott Madole Jeremy Hendricks Ernest Saulmon Commission Members Absent: Vicky Sepulveda Aviation Staff in Attendance: Susana Carbajal David Arthur Shane Harbinson Julie Harris Bryce Dubee Ammie Calderon Others Present: John Craig – AECOM Todd Gnospelius – AECOM Stephen Real – AECOM Keisha Houston – SMBR Saad Ilyas – ASLPM Christina Taylor – Sundt Construction Chelsie Bush – HNTB Matt Dunlan – WSP Josh Bedre – AEC-WAY Edward Copeland – Woolpert Kane Carpenter Veronica Downey Carlton Thomas Nick Ramirez Rustin Roussell Kizzie Alvarez Rajeev Thomas Billy Aguero Raquel Orta Rohini Kumerage Aiden Cohen Brian Long Dale Murphy – K Friese Michael Boland – MAG USA Liam Grundy – MAG USA Jeremy Dalkoff – MAG USA Paul W Foster – Foster CM Group Ashton G. Cumberbatch – McGinnis Lochridge Heather Peoples – D&B Mitchell Group Ken Myers – D&B Mitchell Group Davon Garrett – D.C Garrett Group Rick Garrett – TES Inc. 1 CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) The minutes from the meeting of December 10, 2019 were approved on Commission Member Eugene Sepulveda’s motion, Commission Member Frank Maldonado seconds on a vote. Motion passed on a 8-0-1-1 vote. Commission Member Hendricks abstained. Commission Member V. Sepulveda was absent at this vote. 2. STAFF BRIEFING, REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS a) Finance & Operations Reports for Fiscal Year 2020 to date. The presentation was made by Rajeev Thomas, Financial Manager III, Department of Aviation. Eugene Sepulveda requested an update on air service incentives. b) Planning & Engineering Capital Improvement Project Monthly Status Reports. The presentation was made by Lyn Estabrook, Division Manager, Department of Aviation. c) Airport Tenant Updates. The presentation was made by Julie Harris, Airport Property, Program Manager, Department of Aviation. d) Ground Transportation Staging Area (GTSA) Monthly Update. The presentation was made by Carlton Thomas, Airport Landside Access Manager, Department of Aviation. 3. NEW BUSINESS – Discussion and possible action items. a) Runway to Opportunities event at …

Scraped at: April 14, 2020, 8:10 p.m.