Staff Recommendation - Planning Commission — original pdf

Staff Recommendation Regarding Article X, Section 2 (Planning Commission) Recommendation: Planning Commission appointments and terms to be determined by ordinance. Proposed Charter Revision: Article X § 2. - THE PLANNING COMMISSION — ORGANIZATION. There shall be established a planning commission which shall consist of citizens of the City of Austin who must be registered voters in the city and must have resided within the city for one year next preceding their appointment. The planning commission shall have a number of members equal to the number of members on the council plus two (2) additional members, a minimum of two-thirds of the members who shall be lay members not directly or indirectly connected with real estate and land development. The city manager, the chairperson of the zoning board of adjustment, the director of public works and the president of the board of trustees of the Austin Independent School District shall serve as ex officio members. The members of said commission shall be appointed by the council for a term of up to two (2) years, with the timing and manner of appointment determined by ordinance [five (5) members to be appointed in every odd-numbered year and four (4) members in every even-numbered year]. The commission shall elect a chairperson from among its membership and shall meet not less than once each month. Vacancies in an unexpired term shall be filled by the council for the remainder of the term.