Commission on Immigrant AffairsMay 6, 2024

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION COMMISSION ON IMMIGRANT AFFAIRS RECOMMENDATION NUMBER (20240408-010) Expansion of Emergency Housing and Rental Assistance Program WHEREAS, The Commission on Immigrant Affairs was established through Ordinance No. 20171214-043 to advise the city council on matters of common concern to immigrants, WHEREAS, Austin continues to face a housing affordability crisis, particularly the persistent rise in rental prices exacerbates the housing affordability crisis, contributing to housing instability, displacement, and homelessness among vulnerable populations, WHEREAS, city residents who are experiencing unstable housing often cite gentrification as a significant factor contributing to their housing instability and, WHEREAS, displacement often disproportionately affects marginalized communities, including people of color and immigrants, who may have limited resources and face systemic barriers to accessing affordable housing; WHEREAS, The City of Austin has allocated funding for the RENT program, now known as "I Belong in Austin," which has proven successful in providing emergency assistance for rent, moving, and storage/relocation to prevent eviction, displacement, and homelessness; and WHEREAS, The "I Belong in Austin" program has demonstrated its value in providing essential support to vulnerable individuals; WHEREAS, the Austin City Council can expand its reach and impact, ensuring that more residents receive the assistance they urgently need to remain housed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission on Immigrant Affairs urges the Austin City Council to allocate $15 million to support the "I Belong in Austin" program in the upcoming fiscal year. This allocation is proposed based on a thorough evaluation of the program's effectiveness in mitigating the housing affordability crisis and achieving strategic objectives related to housing stabilization, economic opportunity, and affordability. .    Date of Approval: _____________________________ Motioned by: Commissioner Seconded By: Commissioner Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign) For: Against: Abstain: Absent: .