HIV Planning CouncilMay 8, 2024

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AUSTIN AREA HIV PLANNING COUNCIL The mission of the HIV Planning Council is to develop and coordinate an effective and comprehensive community-wide response to HIV. Planning Council: Office of Support Staff Report May 7, 2024 – May 8, 2024 Executive/GMCS/FASPNA Committee Meeting OFFICE OF SUPPORT STAFF Kodjo Dodo, Manager Rashana Raggs, Supervisor Nathalia Delgadillo, Planner II Zaria Thomas, Planner I Deena Rawleigh, Admin Sr. AUSTIN AREA HIV PLANNING COUNCIL MEMBERS TOTAL 10 (1 Non-voting member), 2 New Members Pending 1. Kelle’ Martin, Chair 2. Alicia Alston 3. Joe Anderson Jr. 4. Liza Bailey 5. Aran Belani 6. Zachery Garay 7. Ashley Garling 8. Marquis Goodwin 9. Judith Hassan 10. Rocky Lane, Non-Voting 11. Kristina McRae-Thompson 12. Gin Pham Summary complete it)  The Austin Area HIV Planning Council (HIVPC) is at 10 members.  BCIC Sexual Harassment training is due on May 10 (except for new members who have 90 days to  The Executive Committee completed their edits and updates to the Bylaws at their April meeting. The Committee is expected to review Policies and Procedures starting next month.  Kelle’ Martin temporarily joined the GMCS committee as new members were pending in early April. o Two community members interviewed at the GMCS Meeting o GMCS discussed caucus logistics and policy/procedures. A more approachable/less of a commitment option was posed by members. The PO agrees with the committee members sentiment, and that a townhall may be more feasible. Therefore, a townhall will be planned, if this recommendation is approved. o The Recruitment and Retention updates were reviewed and approved.  The Finance/Allocations and Strategic Planning/Needs Assessment committee voted to focus on the impact of changing urban neighborhoods and rising housing costs related to healthcare access for PLWH for Year 2 of Assessment for Needs and Barriers to PLWH in and out of care. o This committee received their annual training on PSRA o Edited and voted on the FY25 PSRA process o Reviewed, edited, and voted on updates to the Integrated Plan  The Business committee approved the recommendations of the Bylaw edits, two April applicants, Integrated Plan edits, Recruitment and Retention edits, and the FY25 PSRA process. o This committee also discussed and voted to move the May Business meeting to May 20, 6-8PM o Business received their annual training on PSRA  The Office of Support has created an event requests form for the community to request the HIVPC to join. Council is invited to provide comments and edits to the Event form, as needed. This discussion can be followed up in the Governance/Membership and Care Strategies committee.  The Fast Track Cities Consortium will be on May 30th. Get your Eventbrite tickets here. See more info in the Outreach portion of the report. Event Requests Form HIV PLANNING COUNCIL COMMITTEE UPDATES  Executive Committee needs nominations for Vice Chair and Secretary. Per the bylaws, nominations must be made during a business meeting. o Received nomination for Secretary during March Business. A written recommendation for Secretary was submitted to the April Business Committee. o The Executive Committee completed their edits and updates to the Bylaws at their April meeting. The Committee is expected to review Policies and Procedures starting next month.  Governance/Membership combined Care Strategies Committee (GMCS) committee chair is Zachery Garay o During April, two community members were interview for council. Both applicants were recommended for membership. o The GMCS committee discussed logistics and reviewed the draft Policy and Procedure document regarding the Caucus, and an introduction email to those interested in Caucus. A less frequent meeting mechanism, such as a Town Hall was suggested by council members. Planner II met with the PO to confirm that a town hall is frequent enough and an accepted mechanism of feedback. o After the April meeting, members were sent a follow up email that a Townhall is an acceptable mechanism for feedback, and was endorsed by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) Project Officer and Planning Council Chair. A Townhall action plan will be review in-lieu of Caucus updates. o The GMCS committee reviewed and approved the updates to the Recruitment and Retention document. This was recommended for full council for review.  Finance/Allocations combined Strategic Planning/Needs Assessment (FASPNA) Committee Chair of HIV Planning Council is Ashley Garling. o The Comprehensive Needs Assessment report was started in the off-season to compile the epidemiological profiles, system of care analysis, provider capacity and capabilities, and preliminary analysis of services needs and barriers for those in and out of care. Y2 Literature Review topic was selected in April. o The Stigma Index Project requests for Planning Council sponsorship was tabled at this meeting until the Planning Council receives the Notice of Award for FY24. o The committee discussed the preliminary edits by the Planner and provided their feedback to improve the plan and process for editing. FASPNA members, feel free to input edits on the Integrated Plan that was sent to you. We encourage you to use the review tool on Microsoft Word. So that your changes can be easily accessed. o The committee received training on the Priority Setting and Resource Allocation process. o The PSRA Process was reviewed, edited, and approved by FASPNA STAFF ACTIVITIES Ryan White Part A Grant Activities  Monthly Project Officer Call o Our new Project Officer is Kristen Athey o The PO would like PC to investigate an outside organization hosting the PLH CAB/Caucus due to concerns with staff workload. o PO suggests that a townhall may be the most efficient yet effective modality for community feedback. o PO suggests that the Office of Support contact APH legal to determine if the HIVPC is an official body established by the City to see if applicants need to be approved by City Council.  On April 18, 2024, APH Legal contact confirmed that legally, appointment of new members does not have to be approved by City Council and can instead be made solely by the mayor. o Planning Council members may join monthly calls to provide updates, comment, and/or ask questions. o Project Officer meeting occurs the second Tuesday of every 1 month(s) effective 11/14/2023 until 7/9/2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM o Save this link to join: Click here to join the meeting Needs Assessment  Completed Activities include: 2021 Provider Capacity and Capabilities Survey, annual Epidemiological Profile, Year 1 Survey on Assessment of Service Needs and Barriers Preliminary Analysis, System of Care Analysis  FASPNA is being asked to make recommendations for Year 2 Needs Assessment Activities (special studies and deeper dive activities) o Proposed Year 2 Needs Assessment Activities  Literature Review of studies related to oral health care, barriers to healthcare access related to the rising cost of housing, telemedicine access, impact of COVID-19 on HIV Services has been posed by the Planner.  FASPNA had voted to focus on the impact of changing urban neighborhoods and rising housing costs related to healthcare access for PLWH. o The Resource Guide will be a part of our Needs Assessment activities. OoS and FTC coordinator have been talking with PIO, the AA, and IT on the best mechanism to use to share and create this resource for the community. We will have this resource included in our final Needs Assessment Report. The AA is anticipating providing data to support this project, once they have finalized the data report.  Needs Assessment 2021-2024 Report is being drafted currently to compile the current completed NA items. The Literature review is expected to follow in April, due to being tabled in February and March for later discussion. FY24 expects to conduct special studies via focus groups for year 3. Integrated Plan  Completed and submitted to HRSA and received feedback updates from HRSA. Discussed comments with HRSA in October with limited notice and were unable to invite PC members. These comments were discussed at the 1/29 Business Meeting.  Planner II has made preliminary changes to the integrated plan and asked FASPNA to discuss and edit the changes made. These edits began on 4/10/24 and business will review the recommended edits on 4/22/2024.  Planner II for HIV Planning Council will develop a Dashboard that will update HIV Planning Council on  progress, implementation, challenges, and areas of improvement beginning this spring. A dashboard has been drafted using excel. The Planners will need to meet with partners to discuss plan progress. If members are interested, the Integrated Plan can be sent to members individually via email to be able to review and provide edits. Outreach and Recruitment Please send any events related to our MAI/priority populations to The Planner has received invitations to participate from the following organzations. Please let Nathalia, Zaria, or know if you would like for us to table on behalf of the HIVPC or with us at these upcoming events by 1, 2024. The Fast-Track Cities (FTC) initiative helps local communities share ideas and practices to leverage resources and create community progress to end HIV/AIDS. In Austin/Travis County, workgroups related to key priority areas have formed and identified strategies to further the work to end the HIV epidemic in our community. Learn more about the local initiative here. In this consortium, workgroups will share updates on workgroup activities and plans for the rest of 2024. This consortium is an opportunity to inform the community and workgroup members on progress towards accomplishing workgroup objectives. Get your Eventbrite tickets here Please RSVP to this Eventbrite. Free food & refreshments will be available. The agenda for this consortium will be sent out at a later date Email with questions. Technical Assistance and Training  Each subcommittee will be asked to add training recommendations for the Planning Council and/or community audiences to the Training Calendar. Trainings available in the community are provided via Digest, conferences, and email to members. If there are trainings that members feel are needed for 2024, please let Office of Support know.  Fast Track Cities  The FTC Coordinator is Michelle Osorio, CDC EHE’s Coordinator is Aurelia Lopez, TX HIV Syndicate  Austin Area Regional Co-Chairs are Brandon Wollerson and Nathalia Delgadillo  The syndicate will membership applications in the near future after it removes non-active members, reach out to Nathalia for application details. If you have recommendations for events for the next Staff Report, please submit them to the Office of Support @  To HIV Planning Council members, when communicating with the Office of Support, be sure to cc or send direct to the So, that communication is received amongst all staff members.  Please remain subscribed to our HIV Planning Council MailChimp as the Office of Support sends out important updates and announcements through that platform.  The Office of Support Planners are looking to see if the HIVPC would be interested in having bi-weekly office hours. Please send a preferred time and date as to when you would like to have this resource available. Partnerships Other 